The students of the Siberian Federal University have won Russian National Round of the Jessup Moot Court Competition, which is the largest and most prestigious moot court in the world.

Students life.....

For more than semicentenial development Law Institute has turned into one of the leading centres of legal personnel training in Russia: prominent representatives of various branches of law work here, there are 16 doctors of sciences (the teachers having a scientific degree, make 74%) among them. 

About 2500 students are trained at the Institute. Educational activity is conducted according to the programs of higher and additional vocational training. At the Institute along with the traditional five year training there is a multilevel system of preparation of lawyers, which provides higher education. The students are given a bachelor’s degree after four years of training and master’s degree – after six years.

Lecturers of the Institute actively participate in working out and examination of projects of the Russian and regional laws, co-operate with regional and Russian authorities. Professors and senior lecturers are members of advisory councils and the commissions of state governing bodies, members of the qualifying commissions. At the initiative of the Institute scientific and advisory council is created at Krasnoyarsk Regional Court. The most qualified lecturers of the Institute along with judges participate there.

In 2011 the Law Institute passed the social accreditation held by the Association of Lawyers of Russia.

The Association of Lawyers of Russia unites a great number of professional lawyers of different law spheres. It is comprised of practicing lawyers as well as law professors.

One of the areas of the Association’s activity is the promotion of the quality of legal education including the social accreditation of the higher schools of law. The accreditation was passed successfully and the Law Institute was recognized as the educational institution which prepares high-quality professionals in the sphere of law.

Professors of the department of criminal procedure actively participate in international scientific conferences

International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific school of criminal procedure and criminology at St. Petersburg State University, and modern jurisprudence" organized by the Faculty of St. Petersburg State University was just ended.

The conference was held in the form of a scientific symposium "The theory of criminal procedure and prosecutor's supervision: history of development and modernity" and was dedicated to the memory of leading figures of the recognized jurisprudence of the USSR and Russia V.Z.Lukashevichu (he would be 90 years from the date of birth) and VG Dais (he would be 85 years from the date of birth), as well as a work of problem roundtable. Note that students and professors V.Z.Lukashevicha V.G.Daeva are teachers of the Criminal Procedure Law Institute of SFU professors N.G.Stoyko, A.S.Barabash and assistant professor L.V.Mayorova.

Resonance was made at the symposium by the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs - Chief of the Investigative Department of the Russian Interior Ministry, Lieutenant-General Justice, Doctor of Law, Professor A.N.Savenkov. He drew attention of the symposium participants that the state law schools, practically, do not focus on training for the judiciary and law enforcement bodies of the country - especially in the training of investigators, and, investigators who were able to uncover and investigate economic crimes - tax crimes sophisticated fraud and other. According to him, there are not a lot of written scientific papers, course and diploma works of students on this points.

Good to know that our Law Institute of SFU cannot be fully criticized: we have been successfully operating department of investigative practices, headed by Deputy Head of SC GUS Russia for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Colonel of Justice A.A.Pahomenko; students with interest and benefit to themselves working outside the classroom assistants to public investigators; the largest number of students of the Institute undergo practical training in investigative units of the edge, protecting it and then before an authoritative commission GSU SK Russia on the edge; course on the investigation of economic crime is the students Deputy Chief GSU Research Affairs of Russia for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Colonel of Justice, PhD, associate professor D.V.Shinkevich; GUS UK in Russia on the edge A.A.Pahomenko and his colleagues are special courses for our students on the preliminary investigation and procedural acts; in conducting practice-oriented activities with our students involved for many years served as a consequence of the Interior Ministry, the deputy chief of Russian Federal Drug Control Service SUI, Police Colonel, PhD, associate professor A.G.Kalugin.

At the St. Petersburg International scientific-practical conference several presentations of the Department of Criminal Procedure  of SFU Law Institute  were made: N.G.Stoyko, Doctor of Law, Professor; A.D.Nazarov, PhD, Associate Professor, Head of Department; A.G.Tuzov, a senior lecturer.

It should be noted that professors of the Criminal Procedure Law Institute of SFU regularly participate in various international legal forums and, most often, by the host country.

So, in April of this year PhD, Associate Professor, Department took an active part in international scientific conferences:

- I.A.Shevchenko in Minsk (Belarus) at the invitation of one of the international organizations: Ilya made at the conference report on the problems of legal education and the application of clinical teaching methods;

- A.A.Brester in Yerevan (Armenia) at the invitation of one of the international funds: Alexander held with the participants of the International Forum series of seminars on the use of civil and criminal procedural possibilities of protection of human rights violated by members of the criminal justice system;

- L.V.Mayorova issued a scientific report at the International Forum of criminal procedure in the Crimean Federal University (Tauride University) in Alushta (Republic of Crimea).

Next week in Voronezh Doctor of Law, Professor of Criminal Law Institute of the SFU A.S.Barabash will make a scientific report on the representative of the International scientific and practical conference "Moral issues in criminal proceedings': Anatoly Sergeyevich received an invitation from the Voronezh State University.