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Last Updated on Tuesday, 18 September 2012 03:39
Scientific articles written by the Law institute lecturers being published in scientific central reviewed journals over 2008-2009. Chair of theory of the state and law- V.Panchenko ,A. Petrov Legal regime of satisfaction of requirements of independent establishments in the goods, works, services (on an example of federal independent establishments)// The Russian justice. 2008. № 11.
Chair of criminal law - A.Tarbagaev Issue on aggregate of sentences punishment imposition //The Criminal law. 2008. № 2.
- A. Trukhin Actus reus of accompliceship in a crime // The Criminal law. 2008. № 3.
- A.Trukhin Direct and indirect participation of persons in committing a crime.The State and law. 2008. № 9.
Chair of constitutional, administrative and municipal law - A.Vasilyeva State as a public services supplier//The Law and politics. 2008. № 6.
- A.Vasilyeva Delegation of state functions to private law entities//The Jurisprudence. 2008. №2.
- V.Kasho On concept of responsibility in municipal law//the Russian legal journal. 2008. №1.
- K.Knyaginin General doctrine on the state in German law system //The Constitutional and municipal law.2008. № 12.
- K.Knyaginin German " general doctrine on the state": Russian theory of the state and constitutional law theory//The Constitutional and municipal law.2008. № 14.
- O.Ronzhina Unique stages of lawmaking process (to the matter of public hearings forms)//the Government and local government. 2008. № 1.
- L.Sharnina Concept of political discretion//the Constitutional and municipal law. 2008. № 5.
- L.Sharnina To the matter on definition of the legal nature of All-China meeting of national representatives of the Peoples Republic of China//the Constitutional and municipal law. 2008. № 24.
Chair of civil law - I.Bogdanova On prospects of the "legal entity of public law" category use in Russian legislation//the Economy and law. 2008. № 1.
- M.Kratenko Activities on citizens' personal tangible property disposal//The Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice. 2008. № 1.
- M.Kratenko Unfair provisions in consumers contracts: concept, types, remedies//The Laws of Russia: experience, analysis, practice. 2008. № 4.
- M.Kratenko Use of the preliminary contract template in premises transactions //the Law. 2008. № 4.
- M. Kratenko Judicial practice of general provisions of the law on consumers' rights protection application//The civilist. 2008. № 2.
- M.Kratenko Some problems of damage compensation caused by road and transport accidents (in co-authorship with S.Astashov, N.Bugaenko)//The Judge. 2008. № 4.
- M.Kratenko Legal nature of a gift certificate.//the Legislation. 2008. № 7.
- M.Kratenko Bonuses and discounts on distributor's contract (to the matter of unusual contractual relations)//the Law. 2008. № 7.
- M.Kratenko Performance of the obligation in the event of the debtor's license wanted//the Law. 2008. № 10.
- S.Sotnikov Insured risk and contingency under the professional responsibility insurance contract //the Law. 2008. № 5.
- S.Sotnikov On limitation term under the professional responsibility insurance contract //The Arbitration practice. 2008. № 8.
- S.Sotnikov Top-managers professional responsibility insurance: legal aspects//the Economy and the law. 2008. № 12 (appendix).
Chair of tort and criminology- N.Schedrin Four "tracks" of Russian criminal law//The Criminal law. 2008. № 4.
- N.Schedrin The source of the increased danger, an object of increased protection and security measures//the State and law. 2008. № 7.
- N.Schedrin, M.Franskevitch Unification of professional prohibitions //The Legitimacy. 2008. № 3.
- N. Shedrin , M.Franskevitch A discrediting offence as a ground for restriction of the right to occupy the position of a judge //The Criminal law. 2008. № 1.
- N.Khlonova.International corruption monitoring//The Law and politics. 2008. № 10.
Chair of civil procedure- T. Sakhnova Towards the theory of civil procedural relationships//The Law. 2008. Vol. 68. [Vilnius, journal EBSCO]
- T.Sakhnova On the civilistic procedure essence and its modern tendencies//The Jurisprudence. 2008. № 2.
- E.Tarbagaeva To the matter of interpretation and application of article 36 of Bases of the legislation on notariate//The Notarial vestnik. 2008, № 1.
Chair of theory and methods of social work
- Plyusch Major factors of change of models of birth and their registry in social policy. It is published: SPb., The journal of sociology and social anthropology 2008. № 2.
- N.Mylnikova, J.Girich "Language Babylon " in medical specialties, or the answer to the" Mental health " journal readers' critical letters//The Mental health. 2008. № 4.
Chair of commercial, entrepreneurial and financial law - A.Dyomin Review on the Manual under the editorship of A.Kozyrin and A.Jalbulganov//The Financial law. 2008. № 5.
- A.Dyomin By-law making in the sphere of taxes and tax collection: some matters of theory and practice//The Bulletin of Financial academy. 2008. № 4.
- A. Dyomin Limits and forms of by-law making in taxation sphere//The Taxes and financial law. 2008. № 12.
- E.Efremova On responsibility for wrongful actions upon default of tax payment //The Economy and law. 2008. № 4.
Chair of criminal procedure- Barabash A.S. Ivan Jakovlevich Fojnitsky's Contribution to the definition of the adversarial place in Russian criminal trial//The Russian justice, 2008, № 3.
Scientific research institute of legislation and legal policy
- A.Kondrashev,U.Sedikh A problem of differentiation of "informing of voters" and "pre-election campaign" concepts in the light of the last elections//The Constitutional and municipal law. 2008. № 24.