The International Summer Law School - 2014


The International Summer Law School has just ended at the Law Institute. This School was divided into three educational blocks. The first one included Russian Criminal, Civil and Constitutional Law for the German students. The second block included International, European and German Criminal Law for those, who are third year students of the Law Institute, Comparative Law Department. This block was taught in the German language within the DSG program. The third block included European Law read in the English language for the third year students of the Law Institute, Comparative Law Department.


Fifteen international students visited Summer School this year. Jiří Šorf, the student from Charles University, took part in two blocks simultaneously and completed both of them successfully. There were also a lot of students from Passau University, which is an old partner of Siberian Federal University. Moreover, there were students from the Darmshtadt University, Rostok University and Constans University.

Foreign professors Herbert Rosenfeld, Corinna Tereza Dornacher from Germany and professors Douma Wibe Theodorus, Matta Maya Aaron Samuel from the Netherlands said, that all students were very interested in law. They took part in discussions and proved to have a high level of education. But the School included not only an educational part, but a very active social program as well. The professors, who were in Russia for the first time and visited nature reserve «Stolby», were delighted with the Siberian nature's beauty. After the first «introductory» trip to «Stolby», the participants of the School wished to go there again. Herbert Rosenfeld mentioned that he could not have imagined that there was such beautiful nature in Krasnoyarsk.

The participants of the School were interested in history of Krasnoyarsk and decided to visit Local History Museum. Everybody was impressed by the expositions, especially by the warm fur clothes, which showed the severity of Siberian frost. The Russian students explained to the foreigners, that a real Siberian is a person who is not only steady to the frost, but who wears warm clothes.

Besides, the participants of the School visited other famous local places, such as observation area «Kingfish», Hydroelectric Power Station, fun park «Bobrovyi Log». But a complex in memory of the Russian writer Viktor Astafiev became the most memorable place for the foreign guests. Wibe Dauma bought an autobiographic book as a keepsake.

The students had very eventful days during the educational period August 5-17 2014. According to the German student's opinion, it was not so easy, but very informative and memorable. In spite of everyday lectures, the participants of the School had a lot of free time to spend it in an informal atmosphere. They went to different cafes or walked across the sights together. Russian students mentioned that the given type of communication was the best one and helped everybody to overcome a language barrier. Moreover, such communication promoted better results during the DSG program exams. The Russian students were dreaming about living in the dorms together with the international students in order to spend more time together during the School period.

Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. Everybody had a melancholy mood at the farewell dinner, as it was time to say goodbye. German students presented their national dance for the Russian friends, while Russian students made a presentation with joined photos. All students got Certificates and thanked the professors for the lectures generously. The International Summer Law School united different people, different cultures and different legal systems. It left a lot of magnificent impressions and emotions.