
law-schoolLecturers of Law Institute carry out fundamental and applied scientific research on urgent problems of development of a society, the state and  law. Results of this activity are reflected in numerous publications, monographies and manuals.

Thereby for some years lecturers of the Institute have published 20 monographies, nine from them have been published by the central publishing houses (S.-Petersburg Law Centre “Press” published: in 2003 – I.Alexandrov “Basics of Tax Investigation”; A.Nazarov “Influence of Investigatory Errors on Court Errors”; in 2004 – I. Shishko “Economic Offences: Questions of Legal Assessment and Liability”; in 2005 – A.Gorelik, L.Lobanova “Crime against Justice”; A.Mitskevich “Criminal Punishment: Concept, purposes and action mechanisms”; A.Barabash “Nature of Russian Criminal Procedure, Purposes of Criminal Procedural and their Ascertainment”. Other central publishing houses published: M.Kratenko “Contractual Agreement on Legal Aid in Modern Civil Legislation”, published in Мoscow by “Statute” in 2006; N.Stoiko “Criminal Procedure of Western States in Russia: Comparative Theoretical and Legal Research on English-American and Roman-German Legal Systems”. Published in St-Petersburg by publishing house of Law Department of S.-Petersburg State University in 2006; T.Sakhnova “Civil Procedure Course: Theoretical Basics and Basic Institutes” published in Moscow by publishing house “Walters Cluver” in 2008).

Lecturers of the Institute actively publish textbooks and manuals. For the latest 5 years they have published more than 40 textbooks and manuals: 8 – with signature stamp of Ministry of Education of Russian Federation (I.Alexandrov “Criminalistics”, textbook published in Moscow by publishing house “Walters Cluver” in 2004; A.Gorelik “Criminal Law in Russia. Part Especial”, textbook for higher schools published in Moscow by publishing house “Walters Cluver” in 2005 (chapters 15, 17, 18); E.Tarbagaeva “Organisation and Notariate Activity in Russian Federation” (Student’s book published by St.-Petersburg State University in 2006); S.Basalaeva “Employment Law Course” (Vol. 3., Publishing house of St.Petersburg State University in 2007, Chapter “Employment Contract”); - with the stamp of Ministry of Education of Russian Federation; N.Stoiko “Criminal and Procedural Law of Russian Federation” (Textbook published in St.-Petersburg State University in 2007, section 6 “Criminal Procedure of Foreign States); S.Drobyshevsky “History of Political and Legal Doctrines. The Basic Classical Ideas” (Textbook published in Moscow in 2007, publishing House “Norm”) - with the stamp of study and methodical department of juridical education; A.Dyomin “Russian Tax Law” (Textbook published in Moscow, publishing House “RIOR” in 2008 – with stamp of study and methodical department of higher schools training in the field of finance, account and economic).

In 2003-2008 years the lecturers of Law Institute published 627 scientific articles and theses of scientific reports (mostly in leading Russian magazines); prepared and published 12 collected articles («Actual problems of jurisprudence»; «Problems of sciences of state and law theory and history»; «Legal aspects of struggle against terrorism»; «Corruption and democracy» etc.).

The Employment and Environmental Law Chair carries out the following research “Legal aspects of perfection of state government in the sphere of wildlife and preservation of environment”, “Legal advice on development and formation of manpower in Krasnoyarsk region”, works out projects of legal acts on Krasnoyarsk region wildlife management; etc.

Directions of scientific research of International Law chair: “International protection of intellectual property”; “Application of international and foreign law acts to judicial practice and other bodies and establishments”; “International legal protection of human rights and economic entities”; “Problems of recognition and execution of foreign court decisions in EU member states”.

The subject of the Civil Procedure chair research is modern problems of civilian procedure, comparative and law aspects, including modern European civilian procedure. Moreover, the lecturers of the chair carry out a lot of scientific research in other spheres, e.g. “Judicial expertise and other forms of special knowledge in civilian procedure of Russia and European countries”; “Modern problems of notariate” etc.

Criminal Law - related chairs conduct both individual and joint scientific research in the following spheres: “Legal aspects of security measures”; “Problems of general theory of crime prevention”; “Juvenile justice”; “Problems of struggle against organised crime and corruption”; “Problems of criminal law application stipulating liability for crimes against state power” etc.

The Institute conducts international and Russian scientific-practical conferences and seminars on urgent problems of law. Foreign and Russian lawyers, practitioners, representatives of public authorities and local government take part in these conferences and seminars.

In 2008:

  • The International Law chair held a scientific conference “International integration and law: modern problems” for students and post-graduate students;
  • The ecological and legal forum “Problems of realisation of citizens right to favorable environment: theory and practice” was organized by the Employment and Environmental Law Chair.

In September, 2008 the Institute organised and held two large international scientific and practical conferences in which more than 30 foreign lawyers took part:

  • “Russian financial system: experience and prospects of legal regulation” and
  • “Comparative law: science, methodology and academic subject».

Foreign participants highly estimated the level of the conferences and scientific discussions corresponding European and international standards.

The Criminal Law chair regularly organises and holds scientific and practical seminars of the European Council on urgent problems of struggle against the organised crime and corruption in which experts of the Council and professors and practical workers almost from all European countries take part.