The International Summer Law School 2016

On 2-14th August of 2016 traditional summer law school was held in the Law Institute SFU. A lot of people such as students from Russia and Germany and specialists from Russia, Australia, Great Britain and Germany participated as well.

This year the summer school took place on the basis of our Institute. Its program covered three directions:

1. Summer school for students of comparative law department of Law Institute SFU and for students from the partner Universities of DSG program (Barnaul, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Omsk and Tomsk). As lecturers there were professors and staff members from Passau University – professor Holm Plutske and assistants Christian Geints, Michael Ripl, Anna Hartl as well. Throughout two intense weeks learners of the school acquired information of international law, the European Union law, criminal law and criminal procedure. Finally, two exams within the session of DSG completed the summer school program. It is worth to notice that examiners appreciated high level of Russian students’ academic knowledge, which was reflected in the students’ positive marks.

2. The second program of the school was held as part of ten-day class module and consisted of the lectures of the Law Institute SFU colleagues – Aaron Cooper (co-director of Coventry University’s oil and gas management and energy law, Great Britain) and Gregory McGoldrick (lecturer of Seinan Gakuin University, Japan). Aforementioned program traditionally deals with English-speaking group of comparative law department. This year’s major theme was current development of ecological and international law issues. It is remarkable that not only Law Institute SFU students but also students of law department from KrasGAU participated in the summer school for the first time. At the end of the program all participants prepared presentations on the material studied and successfully passed an oral exam.

3. The third program of the school traditionally deals with German students, who visit Krasnoyarsk in order to study the basis of Russian law and to get acquainted with Russian culture. This year students from Potsdam, Berlin, Hamburg, Muenster, Passau and other German cities, and also from the Sorbonne University (France) participated in the summer school.

Annually the graduates of the DSG program perform as associate professors for our foreign guests. This year the basis of criminal, constitutional and civil law of the Russian Federation were taught by PhD in Juridical sciences, associate professor A. F. Vasil’eva, assistants A.A. Gabov, A.V. Pushkina, A.V. Metelkin, by the graduates of the DSG program E. Saponchik, G. Yakoby, A. Trophimic, and V. Astashova. Legislative Assembly of Krasnoyarsk region and Law Institute SFU maintain cooperation also within the summer school – it is not the first time when German students hear lectures on the basis of Russian criminal law read by the graduate of Law Institute SFU, the consultant of expert and legal department of Legislative Assembly of Krasnoyarsk region, Y.M.Ploshkina. Yana Michailovna helped to organize the meeting of Russian and German students with a deputy of Legislative Assembly of Krasnoyarsk region Y.N.Shvytkin, during which there was maintained a discussion.

A lot of attention concerning the work of the school is also paid to development of intercultural communication skills, but the program itself is quite filled. The students of the school were visiting Krasnoyarsk museums, going to fun park “Bobrovy Log”,conquering Siberian “Stolby” and taking pictures of “Tsar fish” after the classes. All German students are required to study Russian language as well.

The summer school would not reach success without support of the German academic exchange DAAD fund and without longtime partnership between Passau University and Siberian Federal University. We would like to address special words of gratitude to direct arrangers of the summer school – PhD in Juridical sciences, associate professor L.V. Mayorova and specialist of international department of Law Institute SFU O.O. Fettih.