International relationship

History of faculty

The department of international ralations is the „youngest“ among others in Law Institute of Siberian Federal University. The idea of its creation was a logical consequence of a spread of different specializations within a single speciality.

Why is it international relations? There are several reasons for it. First of all, in spite of the localisation of Law Institute - in the center of Siberia, the pursed interests of students and educators cross the boards not only of Siberia but of all Russia. Likewise, there is a succefully functioning department of Comparative law and the chair of International Law which has been existing for 10 years at Law Institute. The second reason can be explained by the change of attitude to foreign languages. It has become a common comprhension that nowadays linguistic competence is not just a hobby or a compatitive benefit for a job, it is regarded like a necessity for full performance of one’s professional duties. When foreign languages became ordinary juristic subjects, it led to the emergence of the Department of Comparative Law. Focus on knowledge of international law, economics and phycology concluded that the department of International Relations was essential. The third reason for creation of the department is related to the transformation of people’s lives not only in Krasnoyarsk but in all Siberia. Some time ago Krasnoyarsk was a closed town. However, in present we are planning Winter World Student Games for 2019. The international activity is rising at level of state structures as well as at level of individuals. It is obvious that in order to found and maintain international contacts, specialists of international relations are required. They are supposed to possess certain language and communication skills, knowledge of international law and psychology. The initiative for creation of international relations department turned out to be popular and that’s why was supported by government. After a quick procedure of getting special licence, in September of 2010 educators welcomed happy students who had successfully joined LAW Institute. Today the amount of International Relations Department’s students is more than 100 people.


The mission of International Relations department of Law Institute SFU consists in preparing highly qualified specialists in the field of international relations, primarily for the Krasnoyarsk region and other regions of Central Siberia, who have comprehensive skills and systematic knowledge in the field of international law and political sciences, while specializing in relations with Asia-Pacific region countries, namely with China.