Students’ scientific research work

Law institute students' scientific research work (SSRW) is supported and develops. Students take an active part in international, Russian and regional scientific conferences.

At the first International migratory forum "Labour migration in the Eurasian region: tendencies, problems and cooperation ways" (Vladivostok, May, 29-30th, 2008) the SFU LI 5 year student S.Odintsova presented the report "Scales and tendencies of migration in Krasnoyarsk region" (Scientific supervisor – N.V. Schedrin) being awarded by the diploma of Primorsk Regional Administration.

The 4th year student of the Comparative  law department A.Isakova as the result of preliminary selection of scientific works became the only representative of Russian Federation at the international conference "Role of the UN international court in territorial disputes resolution" (Odessa, April, 2008, the conference organiser – European Law Students Association ) where she presented the report "Significance of international judicial bodies decisions for national  legal systems " in English (scientific supervisor – V.Tereshkova). Conference materials are published in English.

At the inter-regional scientific-practical conference "Siberian Youth in Russian science" (Krasnoyarsk, April, 2008) the 4-th year S.Kuznetsova was awarded the third prize ( scientific supervisor – V.Tereshkova).

At scientific-practical conference "Urgent problems of Russian law and legislation" (Krasnoyarsk, April, 2008) the SFU LI 4-th year student S.Serova was awarded the first prize for the presented "Protection of children in armed conflicts" (scientific supervisor – V.Tereshkova).

The post-graduate student V.Kaminsky presented his report on the pupils' of reformatories for minors resocialization project " Step towards" at the international conference "Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe – current situation, reform developments and good practices» (Italy, Verona, March, 2008). The project is financed by the European commission on justice and internal affairs «АGIS».

The institute annually conducts interuniversity scientific student's conference. In 2008 SFU and other higher schools' students (KrasAA, SibLI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation) took an active part in it. The best reports made by SFU LI 2nd year student A.Kim on "the Legal nature of paperless securities» (I.Bogdanova – scientific supervisor). SFU LI students became regular winners of students' All-Russia and international scientific competitions and the Olympiads.

In regional round on SFO the All-Russia competition of student's scientific works of law high schools Association (in 2007) V.Ponomarenko – the Diploma of 1 degree, S.Kuznetsova the diploma of 2 degrees, E.Serova – the Diploma of 3 degrees became winners in "international law" nomination (V.Tereshkova – scientific supervisor); D.Nazarov – the Diploma of 1 degree became a winner in "civil law" nomination ( I.Bogdanova – scientific supervisor).

In the federal round of the same competition the first prize went to a post-graduate student S.Likhachev ("The criminal law place among criminal law legal systems of the present", scientific supervisor – S.Bushmin) and the 4-th year student V.Ponomarenko's ("On application of unpublished international treaties", scientific supervisor – V.Tereshkova).

The 4-th year student S.Kuznetsova (scientific supervisor – V.Tereshkova) was awarded the 3rd prize in the second round of the All-Russia students' Olympiad  on jurisprudence in"international law" nomination (Omsk city, March, 2008).
Together with International organisation RKT (Prison reform), MDFSPE in Krasnoyarsk region the International competition of works and the Round table on the subject of "Death penalty problems – for and against" were held in SFU (Krasnoyarsk city, April, 2008, person responsible for the event- associate professor A.Nazarov).

In the regional round of All-Russia students' law Olympiad (Irkutsk city, April, 2008) the 4-th year student V.Rets was awarded the second prize in a "civic law" nomination (scientific supervisor – M.Kratenko).

The 5-th year student E. Nabol was awarded the 1-st prize (the theme "Legal regulation of institution of candidates (lists of candidates) for the Russian Federation subjects legislative bodies deputies promotion and registration", scientific superviser – O.Ronzhina) among students and post-graduate students of Krasnoyarsk region higher educational establishments in competition for the best work on suffrage, voting process in 2007-2008 (Krasnoyarsk city, May, 2008).The 2 prize went to  the 4-th year student S.Smelova (the theme: "The European Court on Human Rights decisions role in maintenance of suffrages of citizens" scientific supervisor – V.Tereshkova).

Election Commission of Krasnoyarsk region thanked six SFU LI students officially for their active participation in competition.

The 5-th year student S.Odintsova got the diploma of the Third All-Russia professional competition "Legal Russia" (Moscow, March, 2008).

The team of the 4-5-th year students of the Comparative law department (Y.Vlasenko, A.Isakova, S.Ogorodnikov, E.Tikhonravov; scientific supervisor – T.Sidorova) entered the "ten" strongest team group in the Russian National Championship the 2008 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition (in English), having overtaken the teams of such universities, as MSIIR, RUPF, Higher school of Economics ( 44 team-participants altogether).

The 3-rd year student V.Korobeynikova and the 4-th year student E.Serova became the winners of the All-Russia competition regional round among the students of humanitarian departments for the best scientific work on "Human rights in the conditions of globalization" (Krasnoyarsk city, September, 2008). E.Serova's work" Legal status of the journalist in the armed forces" (scientific supervisor – V.Tereshkova) was recognised the best one and was deemed to be presented at the final round of competition (that will be held in the Russian state humanitarian university – Moscow).