The students of the Siberian Federal University have won Russian National Round of the Jessup Moot Court Competition, which is the largest and most prestigious moot court in the world.

Students life.....

For more than semicentenial development Law Institute has turned into one of the leading centres of legal personnel training in Russia: prominent representatives of various branches of law work here, there are 16 doctors of sciences (the teachers having a scientific degree, make 74%) among them. 

About 2500 students are trained at the Institute. Educational activity is conducted according to the programs of higher and additional vocational training. At the Institute along with the traditional five year training there is a multilevel system of preparation of lawyers, which provides higher education. The students are given a bachelor’s degree after four years of training and master’s degree – after six years.

Lecturers of the Institute actively participate in working out and examination of projects of the Russian and regional laws, co-operate with regional and Russian authorities. Professors and senior lecturers are members of advisory councils and the commissions of state governing bodies, members of the qualifying commissions. At the initiative of the Institute scientific and advisory council is created at Krasnoyarsk Regional Court. The most qualified lecturers of the Institute along with judges participate there.

In 2011 the Law Institute passed the social accreditation held by the Association of Lawyers of Russia.

The Association of Lawyers of Russia unites a great number of professional lawyers of different law spheres. It is comprised of practicing lawyers as well as law professors.

One of the areas of the Association’s activity is the promotion of the quality of legal education including the social accreditation of the higher schools of law. The accreditation was passed successfully and the Law Institute was recognized as the educational institution which prepares high-quality professionals in the sphere of law.

Days of legal science “Enisey political-legal readings - 2016”

Law School of the Siberian Federal University in collaboration with Krasnoyarsk regional  department of Russian lawyers association holds Days of legal science “Enisey political-legal readings”: international theoretical and practical conference since 12 till 24 September 2016.

Relevant issues of theory and history of state and law, constitutional, administrative, municipal law, law enforcement agencies, criminal law and criminal process, civil, housing and family law, labour law and social welfare, civil and arbitraz process, international law and international relationships, custom law, commerce, entrepreneurs and financial law, ecological law, antitrust legislation, criminology and criminalistics are to be discussed in a framework of the Conference in a format of round tables.

  1. Round tables
    1. Relevant issues of economic law in circumstances of financial crisis: experience of Russia and EU
    2. Philosophy of law: issues and perspectives of development
    3. Social partnership in conditions of financial-economic crisis
    4. Business and customs regulation
    5. Antitrust regulation in a sphere of environmental use
    6. Contract as a legal regulator of social relationships
    7. Correlation of public and private interests in Russian law: can balance be achieved?
    8. Relevant issues of civilistic process
    9. Supranational and international relationships of member states of integrational communities
  2. Conferences
    1. All Russian in absentia theoretical and practical conference with international participation «Estimation of legal regimes: approaches and methods»
  3. Open lectures

Round tables

12 September 2016

Relevant issues of economic law in circumstances of financial crisis: experience of Russia and EU

Opening: 10.00

Room 4-09 (Maerchaka 6 St., Krasnoyarsk)


Demin Alexander Vasilyevich, doctor in law, professor of chair of commerce, entrepreneurs and financial law.


Abramchik Maxim Andreevich, assistant of chair of commerce, entrepreneurs and financial law, 7 902 979 20 01, e-mail:

Manturovskaya Anastasiya, assistantof chair of commerce, entrepreneurs and financial law +7 908 021 24 21, e-mail:

Polish lawyers from University of Gdansk will participate in a work of the table. Following topics planned to be discussed during the round table:

  • Regulatory response of the EU on financial crisis
  • Security problems ,
  • Protection of customers of financial services in the EU
  • International tax optimization
  • Taxation of electronic commerce.

13 September 2016.

Philosophy of law: issues and perspectives of development

Opening: 10.00

Room 4-09 (Maerchaka 6 St., Krasnoyarsk)


Drobyshevskiy Sergey Alexandrovich, doctor in law, head of chair of theory and history of state and law


Senior teacher of chair of theory and history of state and law Gabov Alexander Alekseevich, +7 913 592 01 39, e-mail:

Following topics planned to be discussed during the round table:

  • Law-making in philosophy of law
  • Law enforcement in philosophy of law
  • Legal filling up activity in philosophy of law
  • Political and legal centralization and decentralization
  • “dead” legal norms and other issues of increase of effectiveness of legal regulation in philosophy of law
  • ideal of politically organized society

Reports of the round table will be published. We ask to email texts of statements till 15 September 2016 to e-mail: Volume of publication not exciding 1 preenters sheet

14 September 2016

Social partnership in conditions of financial-economic crisis

Opening: 10.00

Room 4-09 (Maerchaka 6 St., Krasnoyarsk)


Petrova Elena Ivanovna, Ph.D., docent, head of chair of labour and ecological law of SFU LS

Moritz Haintz-Peter, doctor in law, professor of University of Erfurt (Germany)


Senior lecturer of chair of labour and ecological law Pushkina Anna Vladimirovna, +7 903 924 49 63, e-mail:

Following topics planned to be discussed during the round table:

  • Role of the state in social partnership
  • Representation of unions in social partnership
  • Forms of social partnership. Perspectives of development of production democracy
  • Acts of social partnership: experience of Russia and FRG

Languages – German and Russian

Registration link.

15 September 2016

Business and customs regulation

Opening: 10.00

Room 4-09 (Maerchaka 6 St., Krasnoyarsk)

Moderator and Organiser:

Meschericov Victor Alexandrovich, ph.d., docent of chair of international law, head of department of custom law, 8-923-288-60-38, e-mail:

Following topics planned to be discussed during the round table:

  • the problem of determining the product code on the HS ;
  • certain aspects of the definition of customs value of goods ;
  • issues of electronic declaration of goods and vehicles ;
  • the order of application of the rules of international TC EAEC customs authorities of agreements;
  • licensing and certification of the goods in the Customs Union EAEC countries.

16 September 2016

Antitrust regulation in a sphere of environmental use

Opening: 10.00

Assembly hall (Lenina 70 St., Krasnoyarsk)


Shishko Irina Viktorovna, doctor in law, professor, head of chair of commercial, entrepreneurs and financial law

Luzbin Evgeniy Lvovich, deputy director of Central Siberian Chamber of Commerce


Senior lecturer of chair of commercial, entrepreneurs and financial law Derevyagina Olga Evgeniyevna, + 79232831284, e-mail:

Issues of effectiveness and practice of implementation of norms of antitrust character in every branch of legislation are to be discussed at the round table:

  • In use of subsurface resources
  • In timber cutting
  • In hunting
  • In a sphere of fishing etc.

Besides, estimation of a level of competition in separate branches and objective and subjective factors that restrain it is required.

20 September 2016

Contract as a legal regulator of social relationships

Opening: 10.00

Room 4-09 (Maerchaka 6 St., Krasnoyarsk)


Kachur Nina Fedorovna, Ph.D., docent head of chair of civil law


Senior lecturer of chair of civil law Serebrenikova Svetlana Alexandrovna +7 904 892 39 96, e-mail:

Following topics planned to be discussed during the round table:

  • Constructions of contract and its implementation in different branches of law
  • Meaning of regulative role of contract in civil circulation
  • Optimization of contract forms in civil circulation
  • Contract as a way of organization of entrepreneurs activity
  • Agreements  that eliminate invalidity of contract
  • Use of unnamed contracts in civil circulation as optimal legal forms
  • New types of contracts introduced in reformed Civil Code
  • Execution of civil contracts
  • Amendments and termination of contract

21 September 2016

Correlation of public and private interests in Russian law: can balance be achieved?

Opening: 10.00

Room 4-09 (Maerchaka 6 St., Krasnoyarsk)


Kondrashov Andrey Alexandrovich, doctor in law, head of chair of constitutional, administrative and municipal law


Ph.D. docent of chair of constitutional, administrative and municipal law Zenkina Alexandra Borisovna +7 902 923 30 14, e-mail:

Following topics planned to be discussed during the round table:

  • Notions of public and private interests
  • Conflict of public and private interests in constitutional and administrative law
  • Limitation of constitutional rights of citizens in public interest
  • Bounds of limitation of rights and freedoms in public interest
  • Positions of Russian Constitutional Court and European court of human rights in terms of public and private interests.

23 September 2016

Relevant issues of civilistic process

Opening: 10.00

Room 4-09 (Maerchaka 6 St., Krasnoyarsk)


Sahnova Tatyana Vladimirovna, doctor in law, professor, head of chair of civil process

Organisers: senior lecturer of chair of civil process Lubchenko Maxim Yanovich, +7 909 523 59 59, e-mail:

Following topics planned to be discussed during the round table:

  • Unification and differentiation of civilistic process as two in one tendency (with respect to coming into power Code of administrative court procedure of RF)
  • Relevant issues of reformation of civilistic process in a context  of development of project of united Civil procedure code of the RF
  • Relevant issues of inner and external harmonization of civilistic process
  • Relevant issues of notary in the Russian Federation
  • Others

24 September 2016

Supranationality and international relationships of member states of integrational communities

Opening: 10.00

Room 4-09 (Maerchaka 6 St., Krasnoyarsk)


Sidorova Tatiana Urievna, Ph.D. docent, head of chair of international law


Ph.D. docent of chair of international law Pavelieva Evelina Anatoliyevna, e-mail:, +79029922446

Aim of an event – to discuss an effect of membership in integrational communities on international relationships of member states between themselves and with third states; whether sovereignty of states is threatened by supranationality on integrational communities; issues that member states face in implementation of their foreign politics.


16 September 2016

Allrussian in absentia theoretical and practical conference with international participation «Estimation of legal regimes: approaches and methods»

Opening: 10.00

Room 4-09 (Maerchaka 6 st., Krasnoyarsk)


Panchenko Vladislav Urievich, ph.d. docent of chair of theory and history of state and law of SFU LS, +7 391 241 22 95


Pikuleva Irina Vladimirovna, + 7 953 599 03 61,

Theoretical and methodological issues of estimation of state of legal regimes, including on level of branches, inter-branch and institutional levels  are proposed to be discussed in a framework of the conference.

Collective monography and collection of thesises of speeches of participants of conference will be published.

Publication in collective monography and collection is free of charge. Send materials will be a subject of obligatory reviewing of specialist in respective sphere of jurisprudence, decision on publication is made upon results such review, and will be discussed in frameworks of conference.

Participation application (according to appendix 2), thesises and materials for collective monography are to be send in electronic form till 6 of September 2016 to e-mail:

Materials for collective monography, applications, thesises are to be send in separate files: Smith_Application, Smith_Materials, Smith_Thesies, in a topic of letter please write your family name and city: “Smith_London».

Send material are to follow following requirements:

  • Materials for collective monography in volume not exciding 3 p.p., thesis in volume not exciding 0.4 p.p.
  • Font Times new roman, indention 1.5
  • single spacing
  • width alignment allocation of part of the text bold or italic possible;
  • bibliographical references by page, designed in accordance with GOST Times New Roman font size 10;
  • title in bold in the centre;
  • information about the author (surname, first name and patronymic, academic degree, position, place of work (name of the university, institute, faculty) placed in the upper right corner after the title of the article;
  • Postgraduate: information about the supervisor - the surname, name and patronymic, academic degree, position, place of work (university, college, faculty, department).

Open lectures

Comparative constitutional law


Gritsenko Elena Vladimirovna, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of State and Administrative Law at St. Petersburg State University

Recent trends in the development of constitutional law in Russia


Komarova Valentina Viktorovna, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Constitutional Law, Moscow State Law University named after OE Kutafin (Moscow State Law Academy)

Reform of the law of obligations

The reform of property law


Wasilewska Lyudmila Yurievna, Doctor of Law, Professor of Civil Law, Moscow State Law University named after OE Kutafin (Moscow State Law Academy)

Crimes against property

White Collar crime


Kondrasheva Tatiana Vladimirovna, Professor of Criminal Law, Ural State Law University

Roundtable will be accompanied with videoconference.

Topics of lectures are subject to change.