International conferences in Moscow

66655555 ec251The Law Faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Kutafin Moscow State Legal Academy organized the international conference "Legal Policy: Challenges of our time" ("Kutafin’s readings").

The Head of the Criminal Procedure Department of the Law Institute of the SFU, Candidate of Law, Assistant professor A. D Nazarov and the senior lecturer of the Criminal Procedure Department of the Law Institute of the SFU A. G. Tuzov presented reports in the section of the criminal procedure.

Our colleagues, specialists in procedure, from the Law Institute of the National Research Tomsk University took part in this section via videoconferencing.

An interesting discussion of notorious bill on the objective truth took place during the section. This bill was initiated by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, and you can find it on its official website.

The Moscow State Institute of International Relations organized another conference – the International Conference of Young Scientists in comparative law.

The senior lecturer of the Criminal Procedure Department of the Law Institute of the SFU A. G. Tuzov took part in the Conference and presented his report.

Before the Conference a competition of research works in comparative law was held for students. Our students - D. Vereshak, V. Karnauhova, E. Gavrilov were among winners of this competition and received diplomas and prizes from competition’s partners – well-known international law firms.

It should be noted that students of the MGIMO-university strictly follow the business dress code in everyday clothes and often participate in various conferences with reports and presentations. They speak fluent two foreign languages ​​and study all legal disciplines in comparative law aspect.