Problems of the application of extradition in light of the current international and national practices

December 19, 2012 will hold a roundtable "Problems of the application of extradition in light of the current international and national practice"

aur 991edDecember 19, 2012 at 14:00 in the room 3-10.  International Law Department of Law Institute SFU with Krasnoyarsk regional department Russian public organization "Association of Lawyers of Russia" will hold a roundtable "Problems of the application of extradition in light of the current international and national practices."

At the roundtable session will discuss:

  • grounds of extradition (treaty, reciprocity, the choice of the contract with the participation of a few);
  • the grounds for refusal of extradition (in light of the obligations of States to respect human rights);
  • criminal procedure matters of extradition.


During the round table, the participants plan to present papers and discuss the Resolution of the Plenum of the RF Armed Forces from 14.06.2012 "On the practice of the courts of issues related to the issuance of persons for criminal prosecution or execution of sentence, as well as the transfer of persons to serve their sentence," the new law of the European Court of Human Rights and the Human Rights Committee.

A more detailed program indicating the topics of the participants’ papers will be made up later.

Location: Maerchaka 6, Law Institute Building.

Time: December  19, 2012, start at 14 o’clock.

For participation: you can access Pavelieva Eveline Anatolievna by phone: 89029922446, e-mail: