Our delegates are on the Model European Parliament

ep c198bFrom 4 to 8 January 2013 Moscow hosted the Second National EYP session in Russia. EYP - is the European Youth Parliament. Two students of the International Relations department -  Irina Gabidulina and Daria Kushner  were invited as delegates to the EYP.

In order to take part it had to fill out an application online and write a motivation letter. Selected delegates were divided into committees which the session had six. Language of the session is English, but is also welcome French.

The session is followed a definite plan: the first two days was held teambuilding (training on team building), the following days the work of the committees was held, each committee worked on the stated problem in order to make a resolution. The last day the resolution have been  discussed at the General Assembly in accordance with the Model of the European Parliament.

Besides extensive work in the committees, different cultural events took place such as the EuroVillage and the EuroConcert. Purpose of the EuroVillage - is presentation of your area to guests, demonstration for them the traditional cuisine. EuroConcert - is an opportunity to show talents on a stage. I. Gabidulina  and D. Kushner were in Eastern delegation. The cultural program also included a tour of EYP to Red Square.