«Problems in application of reservation about public order»

d86cc543fe 4255dIn December of 2012 in the session of the Supreme arbitration court’s presidium a project of review of the Supreme arbitration court’s consideration  cases about application of reservation about public order on the ground of withdrawal and carrying out foreign judicial and arbitrating sentences.  The aim of this project is forming of uniform judicial practice.

In the conference two reports are included:

1) reservation about public order  in international law(Shherbinina Ol'ga Evdokimovna, a candidate of law, associate professor of international law chair in Law Institute SFU)

2) reservation about public order  as the ground of withdrawal and carrying out foreign judicial sentences (Tereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna,  a candidate of law, associate professor of international law chair in Law Institute SFU)

Place of meeting: Maerchaka, 6 , a building of Law Institute SFU

The time is: 15 March 2013, 14.00

Questions about taking part - Pavel'eva Jevelina Anatol'evna, cel. 89029922446, e-mail:evelinap@mail.ru