The meeting on the copyright management

On the 23rd of May there was a meeting in Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University with Nechaev Denis Valerievich who is the Deputy Director of the Siberian branch of Russian Authors' Society. 
The meeting was devoted the issues of copyright management on a collective basis. Professors and students of the Law Institute (bachelors and masters) took part in it. 
Adoption of the fourth part of the Civil Code has significantly changed legal regulation of relations arising over intellectual property. These changes have also affected the area of the collective management of copyright. Therefore, the discussion of these issues has great practical significance and as a result it was quite interesting for the audience.
It is necessary to mention that the Russian public organization “Russian Authors' Society” is the largest organization representing and defending the interests of authors and other rights holders in Russian Federation through the collective management of copyright. It has great impact on the maintenance of law and order in the area of ​​intellectual property. Russian Authors' Society makes possible effective implementation of property copyrights. Russian Authors' Society has state accreditation for the activity in the spheres of copyright management on the collective basis, which are covered by subparagraphs 1 and 2 of paragraph 1 of Art. 1244 of the Civil Code of Russian Federation.