Meeting-Seminar on Issues of Author’s Rights Administration on Collective Basis

On May 23, 2013  Law Institute of Siberian Federal University held a meeting-seminar with D.V. Nechayev, the deputy director of the Siberian branch of Russian Author’s Society, L.F. Shiporenko, an inspector of the Siberian branch of Russian Author’s Society, and O.S. Telpyakova, a senior assistant prosecutor of Krasnoyarsk. The meeting covered a wide range of issues of the author’s rights administration on a collective basis. The teaching staff and the students of Law Institute took part in the meeting.

The adoption  of  RF Civil Code (part 4), has essentially changed legal regulation of the intellectual property relations. These alterations also affected the issues of the author’s rights administration on a collective basis. That’s why the discussion of these questions was of great practical interest for this audience.

It is necessary to underline that all-Russian public organization “Russian Author’s Society” is the biggest organization that represents and defends author’s and other rightholders interests on a collective basis. Russian Author’s Society has passed state accreditation and now it is the only organization which is entitled to manage author’s rights in the spheres provided for in subparagraphs 1,2, paragraph 1, art. 1244 RF Civil Code.