Associate Professor A. Vasilieva - the laureate of the German-Russian Law Award 2013.

profGerman-Russian Law Award was established in 2011 by the German-Russian Law Institute, the German-Russian lawyers’ association and the German-Russian Chamber of Commerce in order to maintain the legal dialogue between the two countries, to exchange legal experience, to encourage young lawyers who work with this topic. The prize is awarded for outstanding works connected with comparative legal analysis of the legal systems of Russia and German-speaking countries. Every year an expert committee selects one German and one Russian research work, one in German and one in Russian languages respectively. About 40 researches were presented at this year's contest.

As a research in Russian language, the expert committee selected the work by Anna Vasilyeva (the Associate Professor of Constitutional, Administrative and Municipal Law) titled "Service state: legal research of the public services provisions in Germany and Russia". The article was published by the publishing house of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the series “Young Scientists’ works" in 2012.

September, 19 2013 Professor Trunk and Professor Wedd solemnly handed the certificates and special prizes for the winners at the Annual Conference of the German-Russian Law Institute in Passau.