The second “What? Where? When?” quiz tournament in the Law Institute


Whatever is said, the general truth is that the most exciting battles are neither on fists, nor verbal ones. The most fierce and sophisticated battles are those which take place between human minds. The field of “brain ring” is an infinite battleground; because human’s thoughts have no limits to be restricted.

27th , September 2013 a traditional quiz competition “What? Where? When?” has been held between the freshmen students of the Law Institute. It was one of the competitions in the framework of “The OLympIad”. It was the second tournament, 12 teams have participated. All in all around 70 students have taken part in the competition.


Each student has proved their erudition and the knowledge of different historical events. For example, who knows what The Boston Tea Party is? I do. Well, I’m not boasting now. The thing is that 16th December 1773 they decided to organize a tea drinking flashmob in Boston. And then it started.

There were many different funny moments as well. For instance, from the point of view of some participants, the captain of a sailing ship, having decided to fight to the end, ordered to nail him to the mast! And Yuriy Stoyanov, the actor, while simulating his illness, heard from his mother the famous Stanislavskiy’s saying “Uzbagoysya!” (“calm down” in a sarcastic form)

Sometimes you could hear claims of unfair points or moaning on the absurdity of the questions. However, the tasks were challenging but manageable and this kind of reaction might be down to excitement. By the end of the second tour one of the teams unexpectedly found themselves on the second place.

In the third tour, as well as throughout the whole competition, the team called “The Right Meaning” was on the lead. Cheering "CLD!" (stands for Comparative Law Department – the name of the team’s group) out loud after each correct answer, they beated all the competitors. They certainly deserved to win in this fair “fight”, and I am happy to congratulate my group mates with it.

The team “The PobYudIteli " came in second place being just slightly behind. “Katiny Nyashki”, named after their second-year students’ curator, took the third place.

The club of intellectual games always welcomes students and teachers. The forthcoming activities of the club will take place in a foreseeable future.

First place – “The Right Meaning”

  1. 1.Shipunov Kirill
  2. 2.Barkhatov Nikita
  3. 3.Grebnev Maxim
  4. 4.Albertovich Karina
  5. 5.Frolov Nikita
  6. 6.Rudakov Gennadij

Second place - “PobYudItely”

  1. 1.Grishenkov Aleksey
  2. 2.Bikbaev Damir
  3. 3.Polovinkin Nicolay
  4. 4.Tabakov Vladislav
  5. 5.Fiodorov Mikhail
  6. 6.

Third place - “Katiny Nyashki”

  1. 1.Zhigadlo Nicolay
  2. 2.Orlov Sergey
  3. 3.Vishnevskaya Angelina
  4. 4.Bahmutov Yuriy
  5. 5.Gireev Alexandr

Vasilyj Zobnin, SFU law institute press centre