Spanish Education. View from the inside.

There is a belief in Russia that all the foreign things are better by definition. Is that true? I've already discussed the way I got to the University of Cadiz (Spain). Now I want to tell you about the inside features of education in Europe.

            I will start from the beginning. I found out the first difference while being in Russia. The fact is that our educational program is scheduled in advance and we cannot change it. In Europe the students choose the classes they are interested in themselves. They also choose the number of classes. Of course, there is a minimum number of credits. As for the maximum number, they are limited only by the physical abilities of the student. If you have a desire, you can study all around the clock. The cost, by the way, is also made up​ of the number of credits.

            Furthermore, I would like to pay your attention to the teaching methods. There are no lectures and tutorials which are so usual for us. Each class is an open discussion on a particular topic. There is a debate and by the debate I mean a highly controversial discussion. Every student is eager to express his/her view. The Spaniards, thanks to their natural temperament, make it impressively.

            One more feature is the Virtual Campus, where you can find all the course materials, can send homework to the professor or just get advice from them. In general, the campus is the main artery of the university life.

From my point of view, the main thing that makes difference between our University and the one in Cardis is the location. According to Wikipedia, it is located in the oldest European town just on the Atlantic shore. That gives an incredible view out of the campus’ windows. Greenery and palms are everywhere as well as happy and laid-back Spaniards. It’s a piece of cake for them to dance flamenco right in the queue. Surrounding peacefulness and glow   of the city undoubtedly make an impression on you. In no longer than two weeks you notice to your surprise, that you’re walking down the street with a faint smile and pleasurable thoughts in your head, not with the… feeling of the heap of troubles on your shoulders.

Honestly, Spaniards are not that sort of people who like working or studying. They only wait for a reason to arrange a holiday or to go on a strike.

Needless to say, they can make excellent parties. The famous Cardis carnival is well comparable in scope to Rio carnival.

All in all, education in Spain, as well as in any other partner university of SFU, will be unforgettable, and the experience gained – priceless.