The student’s school of social and legal knowledge in correctional facilities of Krasnoyarsky kray.

It is not the first time when the students of our institute visit schools at correctional facilities №27 and №31. Students conduct social lessons with prisoners there in the framework of the project "the school of social legal knowledge".
The basic aim of the project is to socialize the convicted before their release from correctional facilities and to help in solving problems which appear in such facilities. For students it is the opportunity to gain skills which are important for social workers and lawyers.
There are basic tasks of the project:
1)developing of useful social skills such as communication skills
2) increasing of the level of legal knowledge
3)reducing of "the information hunger" by giving individual consultations, providing legal acts and scientific literature and etc)
4) helping with determining and developing the personality.
The directions of the project:
1) researching convicted persons and their problems
2)providing individual and group consultations in social and legal spheres
3)holding social events which can help to develop social adaptation after release
Seminars with the convicts had been held in the schools at the correctional facilities. During 2012-2013 in each school these affords had been made in 3 classes. Each class had 15 convicted 
pupils. At the beginning of the class pupils were presented woth the theme and the plan of the lesson. In order to improve knowledge there had been classes with psychological trainings. In the end of the class there were law consultations. Convicted people asked many legal and social questions. Basically, there were some questions about the changes in criminal code, criminal procedural code, criminal executive codex. There were also questions about transfer into colony-settlement, conditional release, cassations and supervisory appeal. Moreover there were questions in the sphere pension law and administrative appeal. Students helped the convicts to make up different legal documents.
During 2012-2013 there were 13 classes and more than 20 legal consultations. More than 100 convicted people have been involved in the project of the social school and 90 people got social and legal consultations.
It is necessary to say that the school department and the department of correctional facilities noticed advantages from such seminars. Convicted people improved their moral and psychological condition, conflict situations got more rare. Many convicted people started telling life stories and asked questions according to their problems. For creators of our project it is important to hear opinions of the prisoners who took part in cultural events, who were released and who could built their life in a proper way. Classes and professional skills which had been given during the implementation of this project were useful for convicted people. It is a great opportunity for students who are going to become lawyers or a social workers because they put skills to practice. The project was brought into life by Nadezda Golubeva, Ksenya Miroshkina, Yelena Ulitina, Vera Nosenko, Polina Tarasova, Kirill Kryzhanovskj, Julia Panova. The head of the group is the graduate of our institute Yelena Tarakina. We want to thank them for their professional determination.
Everybody who is interested in such a project can contact the director of the legal clinics of SFU Ilya Shevchenko and the head of the project "step forward" Alexander Nazarov.