International Scientific and Practical Conference "EU - Russia: Legal Dialogue" Date: 25-26 September 2014

logo sfu 7bd04Location: Krasnoyarsk, Prospect Svobodny, 79/10, building № 10 (Library of the Siberian Federal University).

Working languages: Russian, German, English (with consecutive translation)

Organizers: The Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Siberian Federal University.

Partner: Russian-German Law Institute.

Media Partner: Informational legal portal ""

Conference program: forthcoming later.

The following topics will be discussed:

Topic 1: Measures of state regulation: criteria of legality, efficiency and sufficiency

Topic 2: Inviolability of the person and reasonable use of coercive measures; protection of rights and freedoms and safeguarding of personal security.

Topic 3: Measures of state intervention in economic activity: balance of public and private interests

Presentations will be made by prominent domestic and foreign scholars and practitioners.

Conditions of participation:

Registration for the conference is carried out online:

in Russian:

in English:

Registration deadline- 15 September 2014

Participation is free. Travel and accommodation is paid by the participants. Deadline for the submission of presentation theses - September 10, 2014.

For further enquiries, please contact the co-chair of the Organizing Committee Associate Professor L. V. Maiorova:

We are looking forward to see you in Krasnoyarsk!

Co-chairs of the conference organizing committee:

Associate Professor Svetlana Krupko (

Associate Professor Ludmila Maiorova (