Delegation of ambassadors of Mexico, Guatemala and Bangladesh accompanied by head of Foreign affairs department of Governor of the Krasnoyarsk region A.A. Kuzmin visited the SFU LS on 27.07.14.

Ambassadors R. Beltran, G. E. Meneses Korando and S.M. Sighful Hok came to the Krasnoyarsk region to participate in IV Krasnoyarsk international music festival of Asian-Pacific region to represent a culture of their countries and negotiate perspectives of relationships with the Krasnoyarsk region.

Guests told about their view of perspectives of relationships with Russia on a meeting with students and professors of SFU LS. Not only important and complex issues of economic development were discussed, but also interaction of people of different regions of the World, cultural and humanitarian development. Meeting was conducted in natural atmosphere, guests were asked about particulars of education system of their countries, their assessment of political and economic situation in the world.