Director of the SFU Law School I.V. Shisko got a proposal from Director of SDFSIP

Director of the SFU Law School I.V. Shisko got a proposal from Director of SDFSIP (State Department of Federal Service of Punishment Implementation) in the Krasnoyarsk Region to assign students for participation in an experiment on socially-legal consultations of convicted prisoners in PC-31 and PC-17 in Krasnoyarsk.

It should be noted that such students’ visits in penitentiary facilities of the Region for conduct of legal consultations, social trainings and other educational-thematically events are regularly conducted on a base of psychosociolegal project “Step toward”. Such students’ activity in other regions is unknown. 

Departures of students’ groups were held in 31st and 17th Penal Colonies on the second and Fourth of July. Postgraduates of criminal process department, 3d year students studying criminal process, and students of “Advocate in the court procedure” master’s program, under the direction of associate professor A.D. Nazarov received in colonies directly large number of convicted that were interested in qualified legal assistance and normal communication from our students and postgraduates.