Project Profession Lawyer 2014. Diaries.

IV Law school “Profession Lawyer” was conducted by SFU LS with active support of Ministry of sports and youth policy of Krasnoyarsk region, Regional branch of Russian Lawyers association, department of corporate policy of SFU, Career center of SFU, Commerce court of Krasnoyarsk Region, the Bar of Krasnoyarsk region, advocates’ firms “Arbicon”, “Shpagin and associates”, “Youth center of Octuabrkiy district”, “Social committee on protection of human rights” on the 9- 18 of July.

Not only “Profession Lawyer” Law school is a true personal challenge to legal knowledge but to personal skills in leadership, team work, decision making and bearing personal responsibility for their implementation, orientation in difficult situations, wining beautifully, creativity, friendship, conflict competence, networking. 106 students from five regions of Russia took this challenge this year!

School’s program was full of surprises for participants. However, the main principle: “You must study from the best” stayed unshakeable.

Organization committee of the School (Reshetnikova Polina, Drozdov Yevgeny, Batraliev Ruslan, Dobrova Mariyah, Gordeeva Cristina, Ivanov Sergey, Rassihina Victoria, Babukin Pavel, Abdulaev Anar, Smolin Valentin, Santalova Marina, Matveeva Arina, Surha Nikita, Pavelchuk Ilona, Mugako Anastasia, Akunchenko Yevgeny, Vurva Petr, Ykobi German, Cubal Irina, Albertovich Karina, Suhareva Xenia, Kosiyan Xenia, Natalya Nikitina – head of the group) had been developing a ten-day marathon for active lawyers since April until July!

“Profession Lawyer 2014” preserved the best educational traditions, for instance: Advocates' appearance on the school (Serebryanskaya Krisitina Sergeyevna, Horoshev Ivan Aleksandovich, Serebrenikova Svetlana Alexandrovna, Redkin Dmitri Andreyevich, Kireev Pavel Dmitrievich) who developed and conducted 5 days training “Advocating” for participants under guidance of main trainers of our school – Shevchenko Ilia Alexandrovich and Brester Alexander Alexandrovich.

The rest of the School was indeed intriguing with the main theme – “Professional culture of Lawyers” so…. To infinity… and beyond!

1st day (9 july). Location: Siberian Federal University.

For organization committee this day started with a meeting of two great girls – Anna Chusova (Barnaul) and Anastasia Timoshenko (Novosibirsk) at the railroad station at 7.00 am. They took a decision in favor of our school from plethora of other educational opportunities! Organization committee presented Krasnoyarsk’s hospitality by opening doors of their apartments for new friends, who became irreplaceable this summer without thinking!

Registration started at 10.00 with a check of necessary documents, work of “Crisis Center” that took individual actions concerning solution of problems of every participant, training, teambuilding, and competence training from Lyudmila Mickevich Phd and Svetlana Chiganova Phd . Apart of formulation of a notion of “Professional culture of Lawyers” training allowed for every participant to estimate personal level of professional development and personal deficits, that formulated educational route of the whole school.

More coming soon