The visit of Professor Vladislav Schepelkov with lectures at the Law Institute

Between the 7th to 9th October 2014, Professor of Criminal Law Department of St. Petersburg State University, Doctor of Laws Schepelkov V.F.  will give lectures for 3rd year and master's degree students on topics:

‘Criminally-legal and criminological problems counteracting infringements of copyright and related rights’ (based on their own research) - 7 October from 14:10 to 17:00,

‘Problems of qualification corruption crimes (based on the Resolution of the Supreme Court in 2013)’ and

‘Problematic aspects of criminal law assessment of violence (in the conference proceedings in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, held in April 2014)’ - 8 October from 14:10 to 17:00,

‘Common problems of application of the criminal law: application of retroactivity, delimitation of continued crimes of multiplicity, conflict resolution’ (based on the responses to the requests of practitioners) - 9 October from 14:10 to 15:45.

All lectures will be given at the Room 4-23.