The trip to China

Learning Chinese language has  been  a great challenge for me since  I`ve become a comparative law student. On a worldwide scale people learn English, some of them study German and French in schools ... But rarely you can find someone learning  Chinese. That's why I set a goal: to improve my Chinese using every single opportunity that is available. When I found out about the  Beijing  Summer School of the Central University of Finance and Economics, I realized that I should definitely participate! Before going to China, all the students had to take language exam and prepare all the relevant trip documents.

During our stay in China, we were offered to visit some popular Chinese places, like the Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City, Summer Palace, Beijing Zoo and the Olympic facilities. All these excursions were provided by our Chinese university. We had a great assistance of all the people surrounding us including our teachers, university staff and Chinese students who created only positive impressions.

In the long run, we gained a priceless experience. Since we couldn`t speak Chinese fluently, all of us experienced some difficulty during shopping and meal time.  Also, it was hard enough to explain ourselves in hostel (for example, we had to explain in Chinese to the reception desk that we were not satisfied with noisy neighbors and  the absence of  a fridge on the hostel premises). Tasting fried scorpions at Wangfujing, communicating with chinese  strangers  was such an exciting  experience!

  We  also bought a great amount  of instant Chinese noodles.  All of the above-mentioned  is such a great memory to keep!

To conclude, staying in Beijing for a month, has certainly helped  us to improve the level of Chinese language. I was the luckiest one!  Because, students from France participated with us in the summer school.  So I had an opportunity to practice French that I had studied for five years.  Also, I had a great practice of English through communication with our teachers!

If you want to get familiar with Chinese culture and explore a completely different and amazing world - you should definitely take part in this summer school! 北京欢迎你!

By Polina Botvina