Yenisei Political-legal readings

During the second week of October in our institute took place not only European Days of Culture, but also Yenisei political-legal reading." This conference is unique and its main aims are discussion of topical interdisciplinary problems, their solutions, as well as the participation of students, professors and invited guests in a constructive dialogue.

In the beginning of the conference was a forum with the great title "Russia - China: a strategy for cooperation in the Arctic."Certainly, forum would be impossible without foreign experts in the field of politics and law, and therefore the «first word» belonged to the professors from China that who talked about various aspects of the question posed on conference.

At the same time there were «round tables», discussing problems of various branches of  law: civil, criminal, labor and environmental law. There were many distinguished professors, and graduate students who are just in the beginning of the career in science. They dealt with specific aspects of the modern legal reality, also the legal conflicts and contradictions and ways of development of law were discussed.

On the role of customs authorities of the round table this year visited the man who knows firsthand about this structure - Zhilin Maxim G. , head of the legal walls of the building for us native Legal Institute (on the Loose 79) , a section dedicated to the problem of application of the rules on economic crimes .

Summarizing all the above, I would like to note the high level speakers provided the material , the excellent organization of round tables , as well as an unforgettable opportunity department of Krasnoyarsk customs.

Finally, passing away from the to listen to eminent professors, specially came to us from China.