Scientific tour of the Department of Criminology and deliktology

Teachers of the Department of Criminology and deliktology N.V. Shedrin and I.A. Zyryanova participated in the All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Condition of anti-corruption and ways of improving the fight", which took place January 27-28, 2015 in Moscow at the Academy of the General Prosecution of the Russian Federation.

The most urgent problems of the condition, the measurement of combating corruption in all spheres of life have been affected in the reports and presentations of numerous participants from different regions of Russia.

Prof. N.V. Shedrin described the current condition of the fight against crime described in his speech "The principle of the" basic level "in relation to anti-corruption activity" by using the aphorism: "The fish rots from the head, and begin to clean it with a tail." In his point of view, the main direction must be the fight not with the grassroots (home), but with the apical (institutional, power-elite) corruption. To achieve this aim, he offered to fix in the "anti-corruption law" by adding the principle of "proportionality of anti-corruption restrictions to the public status." If your status of a public official is high, the anti-corruption restrictions and severe responsibility will be stricter.

The speech of Assoc. I.A. Zyryanova, who told about the experience of the Anti-Corruption student club of SFU and demonstrated the results of the anti-corruption work of youth, generated interest and excitement in the public.

As a result of the conference a resolution to the President of the Russian Federation was adopted and also it is planned to publish the articles. After the first day of the conference there also took place a report meeting of "Russian Criminological Association", where members of the association have heard and approved the reports of the President of the Association prof. AI Debt and board members (see more:

On the January, 29 N.V. Shedrin and I.A. Zyryanova arrived in Tomsk, where the Department of Criminology and deliktology "reunited" almost at full strength.

On the same day all together they attended the plenary session of All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Legal problems of strengthening of Russian statehood," conducted by the Legal Institute of the National Research of Tomsk State University, where they attended three reports.

On the January, 30 Krasnoyarsk delegation was not only the largest but also the most active at the section of Criminology at the meeting, which was led by prof. L.M. Prozumentov and Assoc. D.V. Karelin. Krasnoyarsk residents offered to discuss the following topics:

Akunchenko E.A. "Few corruption-factors of Russian electoral legislation";

Bukharina N.P. "The problems of spreading to the teaching staff restrictions, prohibitions and obligations established by the Federal Law" On Combating Corruption "and other federal laws to counter corruption";

Vyrva P.A. "The positive aspects of the legislative recognition of the imperative mandate institute as measures to prevent corruption as lobbying";

Gutnick S.I. "Ensuring the secrecy of personal information as a measure of prevention of crimes against the person";

Zyryanova I.A. "The formation of a negative attitude towards corruption among the students"

Morgun O.V. "Some issues of combating illegal financial activities using a" one-day firms ";

Nikitina N.A. "Approaches to the definition of" social risk ";

Shedrin N.V. "The principle of" basic link "in the system of combating crimes";

Yanov O.A. "Anti-corruption activity in the context of Art. 13 of the UN Convention against Corruption".

In addition to rich scientific program in the conference the chair also took part in cultural events, among which the most memorable and made an indelible impression Tomsk Memorial Museum "remand prison of the NKVD" (a division of Tomsk Regional Museum), as well as live theater puppets "Two plus Ku" .