The All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participants "Legal obstacles to the implementation of rights and legitimate interests: recognition technology and overcome" will take place on July 3rd, 2015 at the Law Institute of the S

This is the second scientific forum on these actual issues, organized on the basis of our institute. The All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participants "Legal obstacles to the implementation of rights and legitimate interests: theory and practice" was held on July 4, 2014 , according to the results of the conference a collective monograph with the same name was published.

As a part of the conference, in July 3, 2015 there will be discussed theoretical and legal, sectoral and cross-sectoral issues of identification and overcome legal obstacles to the realization of the rights and legitimate interests. Also at the conference will include a presentation and discussion of the monograph.

According to the results of the conference will be published in a collective monograph "recognition technology and overcome legal obstacles in the realization of the rights and legitimate interests" (working title) and a collection of abstracts of conference participants.

We invite all interested persons to participate in the conference! Details - intheattachednewsletter.