The Center of Environmental Rights "Bellona" with the support of the European Union and the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University on 18-19 April 2015 holds a seminar "Eco-Lawyer."

During the seminar, the students of the Law Institute will have an opportunity to improve knowledge of environmental law and practice skills of their practical application in order to protect the environment. At the seminar, experts of "Bellona" will share their experience in the field of environmental protection of citizens' rights, give advice for self-management affairs, and also help to orient future environmental legal activity of students. Participants will be involved in discussions, individual and group tasks. The workshop will take two full days with breaks for coffee breaks and lunch. After the workshop students will receive certificates of participation.

To participate in the seminar, students of Law Institute of the SFU sent applications to the organizers, by the results of which the organizers have selected 30 students of the Law Institute.

It should be noted that holding this seminar at the Law Institute was made possible by long-term cooperation of the department of labor and environmental rights and "Bellona" in the Law Institute of the SFU student participation in the contest "Eco-Lawyer."