The RHSF supported the project application of Ph.D., associate professor of the theory of state and law V.Y. Panchenko.

 The results of the competition of 2015 are available on the official website of the RHSF 1 April 2015. The RHSF supported the project application of Ph.D., associate professor of the theory of state and law V.Y. Panchenko, "Evaluation of legal regimes: a realistic approach", the project is designed for three years (until 2017).

The RHSF has also decided to continue funding two projects of our teachers:

Doctor of Law, associate professor of business and commercial  law A.V. Demin "The phenomenon of" soft law "in the system of means of legal regulation: international and national level (in the main competition in 2014)

Ph.D., associate professor of the theory of state and law A.A. Petrov "Legal obstacles for the implementation of the rights and legitimate interests" (in the contest for Young Scientists 2014).

Congratulations to our teachers, scientists and wish them a successful implementation of research projects supported by the RHSF!

At the same time, we want to pay your attention to the fact that in June 2015 RFH will announce competition of projects in 2016. Look for more information and apply for funding of your research projects!