The project establishing The Social support service was realized with the participation of Law Institute.

The Grant for the organization Service's work process was allocated by Regional Grant Council in amount of 500000 ruble. The project was led by head of the Department of criminal process, candidate of legal Sciences, associate Professor A. D. Nazarov.

The main partner of the project was Chief Administration of Federal Penitentiary Service across Krasnoyarsk region. In the project were used scientific-methodical development of professors and students of the Law Institute of SFU, especially of social work department.

In fact, in Krasnoyarsk for the first time in Russia for an experiment the probation Service started work in practice: in the world practice the work with released and freed convicts is using, but in Russia the headway of such kind of process is going with difficulties.

So far Social support service’s office is located in Krasnoyarsk city, Voronova st., 14/5. The staff of the Service includes specialists, who were working in correctional system of the Krasnoyarsk region for a long time, have extensive experience and skills for working with citizens who have been convicted. To work with former prisoners "peer consultants" are involves, who are previously sentenced to serve a sentence in prison, and have personal experience of successful social rehabilitation after release.

Employees of the office created an information database. Since the beginning of 2014 on the basis of the relevant request of Corrections Service officers jointly with police officers conducted 248 inspections of living and employment opportunities for people, released from prisons, in their chosen place of residence. The results of inspections were sent to prisons for further work on the preparation for the release of convicts. In addition, inspections subsequently allowed people released from correctional institutions to solve their social and domestic issues.

Agreements have been reached on Employment Services with the Heads of 14 organizations in Krasnoyarsk. Also, employees of the Service in order to organize cooperation with organizations visit monthly job fairs held by employment services, carry out personal meetings with Heads of the organizations in Krasnoyarsk. In order to obtain information on vacancies in the labor market Krasnoyarsk Service installed information terminal. Updating information bank job is done daily via the Internet.

By agreement with the Heads of penal inspections Service officers are assisted in job placement for sentenced to punishment not related to deprivation of liberty. This type of assistance was provided to 114 persons.

The office consists recruitment agency specializing in job placement of persons released from prison. 253 citizens were assisted in placing in a job, 48 - received advice on how to receive social benefits, as well as in matters of the household appliance.

The staff of the Service in cooperation with correctional officers and other public organizations appealed to citizens providing services for the restoration of documents confirming their educational level, the presence of these specialties received while serving their sentences, as well as the documents necessary to obtain social benefits.

Regularly in prison under the "Training School for the release of convicted" held a meeting with the employees of the Service by persons released from prisons on resettlement.

In respect of persons released from prison, leading asocial way of life, members of the Service in conjunction with precinct police carried out the necessary preventive measures.

The Service has rented apartments, which are populated by freed prisoners in dire need of housing.

In 2014, graduate students were in the Service practice in legal counseling, and many of its customers to provide qualified legal assistance.

Grant completed, but the Service with support from the Federal Penitentiary Service and the edge of SFU Law Institute successfully continues.