The Publishing House "Phoenix" from Rostov-na-Donu delivered the book on criminal procedure for bachelors to Russian bookstores.

The Publishing House "Phoenix" from Rostov-na-Donu deliverst the book on criminal procedure for bachelors to Russian bookstores. It is written by the creative team of lawyers specialized in criminal procedure from Krasnoyarsk, St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Irkutsk and Arkhangelsk.

The participants from SFU Law Institute’ Department of Criminal Procedure are:

N.G.Stoyko, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department;

A.D.Nazarov, PhD, Head of Department;

A.S.Shaginyan, PhD, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Law Institute of SFU;

L.V.Mayorova, PhD, Associate Professor;

A.G.Kalugin, PhD, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Federal Drug Control Service SUI Russia;

D.V.Shinkevich, PhD, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the GSU Research Affairs of Russia for the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

Yu.S.Letnikov, PhD, associate professor, a federal judge in honorable retirement;

A.G.Tuzov, a senior lecturer.

Among the authors - the famous Doctor of Law, Professor:

Yu.K.Yakimovich from Tomsk, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation;

O.I.Andreeva from Tomsk;

N.P.Kirillova from St. Petersburg;


I.G.Smirnova from Irkutsk.

St. Petersburg State University, Russia Federal Drug Control Service SUI have already purchased a large batch of books for their scientific libraries; TSU, SFU are ready to purchase.The 3rd year students of SFU Law Institute are already engaged in e-version of the book: it is compact, clear and modern. But the future plan of the team is the publication of the exclusive book for self-study on the criminal procedure with Moscow publisher "Youright".

The book has FIED vulture and reviewed by scientists from Moscow State Law University O.E.Kutafina (MSLA)