International workshop - "Modern techniques of conducting state examination."

On 19 and 20 of March 2015 the Law Institute SFU and the Institute of Legal didactics the Passau University (Germany) held The II International workshop for academic staff of additional professional training program - "Modern methods of conducting state examinations."

The seminar facilitator was U. Kramer, who is a Doctor of Law, Professor of Public Law in the Institute of Legal didactics of Passau University (Germany). Professor U. Cramer is an acknowledged expert in the field of teaching methodology of law. He was awarded repeatedly for the quality of the teaching of law. Translation of Professor U. Cramer and moderation of the seminar was provided by A. Vasilyeva who ia an Associate Professor of Constitutional, Administrative and Municipal law Department, Deputy Director for Science of LI SFU.

The workshop was attended by over 90 teachers, who are representatives of educational management of SFU, and representatives from various institutes:

For the first time the workshop was conducted with using of video conferencing, which made possible the participation of representatives from the Law Faculty of the Southern Federal University, the Law Institute of the National Research of Tomsk State University (TSU) and the Faculty of Law of Omsk State University (OSU). The participation of colleagues from the universities of different regions of the Russian Federation made the event particularly interesting, allowed to discuss actual at the moment questions of the state final examination among all law institutes, during which not only knowledge but also skills will be checked.

During two-day workshop issues of destinations of oral examination, the formation the examination committee, procedure and technology of an oral exam, as well as methods of evaluating oral answer were discussed. On the second day of the workshop role-playing simulation game "State exam in oral form" was conducted through which participants were shown the German experience of conducting the oral examination. As the examinees German students appeared who are currently studying in the Law Institute SFU and professor of Law Institute SFU previously educated in Germany.

The participants, including non-resident students, asked lots of questions which interests them, for example: how German colleagues would conduct if student identified the fact of usage technical equipment during State Exam? Is there any advantage for examiner as for specialist in a particular discipline? Which additional questions can student be asked and what is the duration of student’s answer (the whole answer should take 30 minutes)?

D. Suslov who is a Lecturer, Department of International Economic Relations of the School of Economics, Management and Environmental Studies SFU noticed: "The workshop is very interesting, it is very high organizational event. We are also trying to learn case-method in respect of specialist is to work with the contract, and both economic and legal knowledge are required at the same time".

S. Krasnousov is PhD in law, Associate Professor of Tort Law and Criminology Department LI SFU mentioned that: "The Law Institute SFU has all conditions for the use of technologies during oral examination. Information obtained in the course of a simulated exam allowed me to adjust the form of conducting exam on criminal law and to supply my algorithm with new elements. "

After the workshop, colleagues from Tomsk State University congratulated the Law Institute SFU with the learning the new format of the international workshop, the workshop satisfied the colleagues from the Southern Federal University, who expressed the wish and hope for the further cooperation.

According to the results of the workshop participants were awarded certificates of advanced training.