The second day of "Yenisei legal readings" was no less intense than the first. In addition to the sections, which included presentations of students and teachers, it was possible to visit interesting workshops.

Started its work on the second day of the conference section of Comparative man who came from the outside, it could probably appear one of the most bizarre. Instead of the usual applause Rapporteur met brisk knock listeners with his fists on the desk - but such is the tradition of German universities, and the grafted branch of comparative law. Protection reports and discussions are taking place exclusively in German. On the agenda was the section of comparative administrative law in Germany and Russia, their similarities and differences, studied in various aspects: from the privacy of home and ending with a global issue administrative management - each of these topics in detail in his reports highlighted the students speak the language of Goethe.

The panel, chaired by Nikolai Shchedrin heard reports on such important matters of criminology, as corruption in education, protection of personal data, the abuse of administrative resources, and others. Particular attention is attracted listeners reports about the nature and scope of the death penalty, as well as the criminal-legal assessment as part of the Nazi greeting of public speaking in terms of legislation of Germany. Participants of the section showed a genuine interest in the issues discussed, often puzzled speakers and interesting issues, in general, we have actively participated in the discussion of each report.

The master class technology decision-making by the state registrar of the employee Rosreestra Katsko Elena Alexandrovna reporter in the audience were only two people: a first year student Arthur and Master Gleb. However, such a small audience is not confused by the coach, quite the contrary - happy. In the future, Elena said that she would not want to lead a master class for a lot of people, because in such a situation is difficult to make out really deep stuff. A topic about which she spoke and which gave drawn from actual practice tasks really require detailed study. It would seem simple procedure of state registration of property rights is fraught, as it turned out, a lot of secrets and tricks. Can you recognize the asphalt covering real estate? A bench? Is it worth the simple cottagers register their greenhouses and how to deal with the machinations of legal entities when filing a simplified declaration? If the answer to at least one of these questions seemed obvious to you, trust me - you are mistaken. Many conflicts and disputes arising in the process of Elena Alexandrovna fully captured our attention to all the half hour, caused a stream of questions and clarifications. It was clear that conducts master-class man who really loves his job and is able to be interested in her other.

During the round table entitled "State cooperation in the field of customs affairs: problems and perspectives" was attended by students of the Department of customs as a legal institution, as well as other Krasnoyarsk institutes and universities. The work focused on the role of non-tariff regulation in the economic security of the Russian Federation, the problems of the protection of trademarks and the ways to solve them. There were also touched upon the problem of formation and development prospects of the EAEC, to revive the work of the round table. Raises and other equally interesting and relevant topics. The work of the speakers can not be underestimated - were offered a variety of options for solutions to pressing problems of today and divergent points of view on the development of modern customs unions.

If you've always wanted to visit China and plunge into its culture, but you can not possible, then certainly worth a visit master class titled "Chinese courtyard." Under the guidance of great trainers Tarasova Veronica Valerievna lecturer of Oriental Languages ​​IFiYaK FAS Dean Jie senior lecturer of Oriental Languages ​​IFiYaK FAS, the workshop participants recited poems in Chinese, got acquainted with the poetic works of Chinese poets, learned interesting facts about Chinese writing. In addition, each had the opportunity to cut out the character of the paper. For active work on a master class guests can not only get a certificate of participation, but also to win a bag of fine Chinese tea.

In our time, it is considered very prestigious job in government, and of particular interest is the work of students in the investigative bodies. At the workshop "Features of investigation of crimes committed in an organized criminal group" were invited experienced in the field of investigative work people: Deputy Chief of Research Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Krasnoyarsk Territory Severin Ruslan Nikolaevich and his colleague Elena Bondarenko, head of the Investigation Department of the Russian Interior Ministry Investigative , Krasnoyarsk. The master class was held more than successful - ask lots of questions about the work of the investigating authorities, telling interesting stories of investigative practices, said about the peculiarities of solving crimes committed in the criminal group.

The section on "The Role of the agreements on the establishment of international and foreign economic relations of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the development of cooperation with foreign partners" with the students of SFU had a conversation Senior Foreign Ministry representative Krasnoyarsk Krai Artyom Zakharov. He noted the importance of such links at the moment, reviewed the history of the emergence of the Institute in the Russian Federation. Together with the students discussed the scope of the agreements, their functions, mechanisms conclusion and termination, role in the development of the country. And, of course, we were not neglected the problems that exist in the Allied agreements of the RF subjects: it is the existence of a reservoir of previously concluded, but no active agreements; coordination problems between the actors and others. Examples were agreements concluded authorities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Republic of Khakassia and Tuva.

Within the section, "Features of the legal regime of real estate, durable water-related objects: artificially created land, waterworks. Kvaziprirodnye objects" Head of state registration of rights to real estate non-residential Rosreestra Office of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tatyana Krasnopeeva, raised the issues of registration Chamber, the concept of "property" and its forms in the legislation and dedicated master class registration problems related objects with water. Under the latter discussed the versatility of the concept "waterworks, as well as many other entertaining questions. Krasnopeeva said Tatiana and complexities involved in the registration work in the conditions of existence of large number of rapidly changing and sometimes do not correspond to each other laws.

In the section "Legal Journalism" children met with the correspondent legal information publication "PRAVO.RU." Evgeny Melnikov dedicated students in the basics of the profession of journalism in the legal sphere. First of all, one must understand the audience for which will write: either normal people or lawyers or journalists. Depending on the category change the scope of interests of "consumers" and therefore your activities. Secondly, there are three most popular forms of transmitting information to the reader - this news, reports and interviews. And of course, we discussed the mistakes: the example of personal experience Yevgeny Melnikov said nuances, which should not be forgotten. As for the information itself, then, as with any other activity, journalism requires accuracy and truthfulness. The main thing, that is to say: if you do not learn at the Faculty of Journalism, it does not mean that the path is closed to you. I like to write? Write!

As part of the section devoted to the discussion of international cooperation in the Arctic, a presentation was made Acting Head of External Relations of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Anton S. Natarov. The Arctic region - an important part of the country, as a natural, rich in minerals, while at the same time trudnorazvivaemy object. The panel discussed the current state and prospects of further development of cooperation in the Arctic, noted the important role of Russia and its regions in these matters, despite the reluctance of the international community to recognize it, noted challenges facing the Krasnoyarsk Territory in terms of solving the many problems that exist in the area Arctic, and certainly active youth empowerment, seeking to participate in the development of the Arctic region.

"Stand up, the court goes!", Exactly as the words began a master class in the auditorium of the Law Institute of SFU 1-15. Model trial in a civil case in the court of general jurisdiction has organized a senior lecturer in Civil Procedure Law Institute of SFU, Lubchenco Maksim Yanovich. Our students have considered the civil case of divorce and deprivation of parental rights of the spouses in relation to minors. A panel of judges (the only deviation from the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation in order to play) was not easy, because every minute to ascertain the new circumstances of the case, the parties were persuasive and persistent. In order to clarify all the circumstances of the case were brought and questioned witnesses and experts heard the explanations of the persons participating in the case, taken into consideration the conclusion of the guardianship authority, the prosecutor. All this influenced the decision of the judges who decided to reject the claim as not to deprive the mother and father's parental rights. The defendant was elated! After the meeting, the Head of the Civil Procedure Sahnova Tatyana praised the boys, he said that in life they still have to face many. At the end of the master class participants in the judicial process, awarded certificates. Congratulations guys! Their professional "acting skills" all amazed everyone got used to his image. Of course, later in professional life, this experience will be invaluable both for the participants and spectators of the process. "The court session was closed!"

Section "Recognition of education abroad" was held in the format of lectures, in which participants received a very important knowledge, especially relating to the recognition of documents on education Russian institutions of higher education in the countries of near and far abroad. They discussed an interesting question: "Is our actual quoted study abroad?". As a result, it was concluded: "Yes, is quoted." It confirmed the view that, in addition to objective reasons on the "recognition" effect, unfortunately, and this subjective reason, as "political tensions" between the two countries. Were considered legal conflict between international treaties and laws of the countries, and, of course, rules to overcome them.

Master-class "model UN Security Council" took place in a very interesting way, where participants simulated a meeting of "the UN Security Council." Recall, the UN Security Council is the Security Council of the United Nations entrusted with the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. The main issue was the question of the fight against terrorism. Offering its position to tackle the problem, the participants acting as representatives of the parties have shown a high knowledge of a foreign language. The organization was held at a very high level, and during the whole master class in the audience attended the atmosphere Spent the UN Security Council. Results summed Head of Department of International Relations, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages ​​for the humanities Olga Kuznetsova, noting that compared to previous years, the guys have substantially increased the level of language, learn how to effectively communicate with the audience, in this regard, especially Olga said Ivan Yakshibaeva Shamilevich for better interaction and contact with the audience. In conclusion, it was said that she hopes that the guys will continue to develop in this field.

The master class "Technical and forensic research document" were considered very urgent problems of our time, such as forgery and money. As well, participants learned to distinguish the fake documents and money from this, using special tools: a magnifying glass, microscope, UV illuminators. The boys first year learned that defining a fake, experts are watching not only the color and other obvious flaws scam, but even, for example, the degree of depressions signature: this feature allows you to determine which printer the document was printed.

Meanwhile, in addition to the sections and round tables in the Law Institute held All-Russian Student Law Competition for young lawyers named Professor VA Udintseva on fuel and energy complex. Olympiad was held in the form of game trials, which were played in the walls of the SFU Law Institute. The event was attended by teams from different universities in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. (Siberian State Aerospace University, Omsk, Moscow and FSNK). Between the teams played out the gameplay, and the judges were teachers of the Law Institute of the SFU, FSNK, Agrarian, Omsk University. The winners are the SFU Law Institute, represented by Nurlan Tagiyev, Alexander Zhdanov, Mikhaleva Anastasia Penzievogo Maxim Vilmovoy Tatyana Mamedova Rauf, Shinkevich Darya Galina Long, Christina Kapaevoy.

Rauf Mammadov said word of thanks to all the students of SFU participants of the Olympiad: "We want to say thank you to our teachers, who prepared us. Thank you, Alexander Alexandrovich Petrov for sports attitude. Thank impeccable Anna Fedotovna for support. Thanks to the brilliant Svetlana Alexandrovna Serebryannikova for the ability to speak and to be always in a good mood. Thank indescribable Darya Alexandrovna for the organization of work. "

So, all the reports were presented, all workshops attended all got certificates of participation to their owners. It is the solemn awarding of diplomas for the first, second and third sections, held on 25 April at 11:00.

Opened identical event opening speech Shcherbinina Olga Evdokimovna. A little later each submitted for the award for his achievements in the scientific field received a diploma and a CD with the official materials and works of prominent local lawyers for one of the most significant reforms in Russia XIX-th century - judicial reform in 1864, courtesy of the company "Iskra".

Completed awarding the winners of the international conference "Yenisei legal readings" Pavelyeva Evelyn A., noting that the event was held at a decent level, and what we need to seek to expand the geographical boundaries of a conference held by our alma mater.

Law Institute expresses its gratitude to the participants for their contributions to the "Yenisei legal readings" and the desire to develop the science of their talents. We will be glad to see visitors from other cities and universities and for the anniversary - X-s "legal readings", which will be held in the Institute of Law in the next year. And the winners of the conference and in the future we wish to reach the heights in their research!

Above article worked:

Alexander Troshchenko

Catherine Novoselov

Nikita Barhatov

Alex Leszczynski

Valentin Movrodov

Elena Lohanskaya

Anastasia Chikhachev

Babushkina Alina