April 23, 2015 in Law Institute of SFU was the first day of the annual international conference "Yenisei legal readings".

The conference discussed the problematic issues of the theory of state and law, criminal procedure, criminology, criminal, civil, international, constitutional, administrative, municipal, labor and environmental law.

In the section "Actual problems of the civil law process" has become the first serving Olga Chernova, told about the peculiarities of legal nature of decisions of courts around the world. There has been some discussion of some problems of activities of magistrates, a student of options have been proposed to solve them.

Popova Albina, 3rd year student of the SFU Law Institute, in its report "Contract Litigation: problematic aspects of" reasoned that a qualified legal aid and whether the existence of the monopoly law. It really is a very controversial issue. In his view, a diploma of higher legal education does not mean that this is a qualified expert who knows his business. But on the other hand, the existence of monopoly law destroys all competition, which is the key to growth and development in the legal field.

In the section "Modern problems of criminology" was a lot of speakers. So, Maria Dobrova, 3rd year student of Law Institute of SFU, talked about the presence of some defects in the process of forensic portrait examinations. Scientific and technological progress leads to the emergence of a new, more advanced photo and video equipment, other similar devices, but the problem of their massive use remains the same. In modern times, you can keep track of the action almost every person. However, experts have to work with low-quality photos and video, which creates enormous difficulties, and sometimes the abandonment of the examination.

Discloses production problems identification handwriting research Ilyushenko Julia, a 4th year student of Law Institute of SFU, and put emphasis on the fact that a forensic handwriting examination of great importance in the investigation. But despite its importance, there are now some problems of its immediate implementation. This applies both to the training of experts, and the lack of improved handwriting tables.

In the section "Actual problems of the criminal law" heated debate. Each raised a problem caused a lot of questions from the jury and the speakers. Perhaps this is because many of the questions were very relevant and very often not previously raised in the scientific literature. It is worth noting that the reports were not only students of Siberian Federal University, but also representatives of other cities of Kemerovo, Chelyabinsk, Omsk and others. They provided the first opportunity to open the work of this section. As the representatives of "twin" of the Law Institute - Sibut Federal Drug Control Service. Within the grounds were raised threads of criminal activity on the Internet, exemption from criminal liability persons assisting operational units of the Interior, the problem of complicity, as repeatedly addressed the problem of drug trafficking and others.

Section "Problems of theory of law" is the richest on the speakers. Raised new topics and discussion, and has repeatedly discussed in the literature, but no less interesting. The work of the section attended almost all teachers of the Department of Theory of State and Law, and it is the best way impact on its work. Many speakers had to defend their theses defended. The subject of the theory of state and law is very broad, and this explains the diversity of the speakers for the reports from the theoretical relation of law and morality, as well as the problems of the presumption of relative besprobelnosti rights to those who are very close to practice and are relevant, for example, the problem of legal means the legitimate interests. Extremely relevant in this year was the question of human dignity, which is not dedicated to one report. An unusual shape for the children was the work into sections: instead of the traditional questions after the speech, the participants passed their writing. During the performance of colleagues I had the opportunity to consider the response and then to designated moments between performances to answer.

In the section "Actual problems of international relations and international law" as speakers brought the students of different departments of Law Institute of the SFU, and even teachers, and representatives of universities from other cities. This section is featuring the fresh and topical themes. For example, the material for the report on "Relationship self-proclaimed states with international organizations" was chosen just a day of performance, because the development of this theme is to this day. Raised themes of information warfare the United States and the Russian Federation, the legal framework of the referendum on the status of Crimea, the influence of the Islamic state as a special factor in international relations. Moreover, are not new, but relevant topics such as "The role of a mediator in international disputes" and "The international dimension of mediation".

For those who prefer relevant problems and interest in civil law worked the section "Actual problems of civil rights." As noted by the chairman of the section, Nina Frantsevna Kachur, in her first speech, "it is not possible to exhaust all topics of civil law" Questions about the relationship between the concepts of "insurance case" and "insurance risk", the connection properties and others were raised. The most burning issue in this section was the question of abuse of the right, which was also dedicated to more than one report.

There were guests from other cities. Student Samara legal institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Anastasia Sukhorukova, gave a presentation on the civil rights of prisoners. Not left behind and the students of the Chelyabinsk State University, Jeanne Bobyleva raised the issue of juvenile justice. Undoubtedly, the cooperation of institutions is very valuable. As noted by Jeanne, it is its first reading and visiting it is a great experience.

Another section is released on the format of the rest worked in the office of 4-09. Together with the candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of international law Olga Evdokimovna Shcherbinina students simulated a meeting of an international organization BRICS. On the agenda was one of the most pressing issues - health care. It has been prepared in advance 7 reports: five representatives from countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) and 2 of the World Health Organization and the Red Cross. In addition, the health care system were considered BRICS, marked positive trends and the issues raised, which turned out to be quite a lot, and discussed issues of further cooperation between the countries and even the declaration is made.

In the section "Actual problems of law" interesting topics as the legal status of an employee who has access to state secrets or discrimination of persons with disabilities in employment have been disclosed. It is not easy when students had to answers to tricky questions, without which their teachers.

Classroom discussion held 2-20 reports section "Criminal proceedings". Here, as in all classrooms, conducted an active discussion of the issues raised, let's constructive criticism of the reports. Address the issue of the right of a lawyer to obtain information constituting a medical secret, warranty rights lawyer in the provision of legal aid to persons in correctional facilities was considered criminal procedural status of juveniles at the stage of excitation of criminal case, etc. Thus, the author of the report "On the issue of sentencing, the convicted person associated with isolation from society" said that the appointment of punishment in the form of detention, the judge must take into account not only the gravity of the offense, the psychological state of the perpetrator when committing the crime, but and a lifetime criminal. It should be studied psychological state offender, in addition, still need to predict its behavior in the future.

Izraeva Olga, 1st year student of Magistracy, to talk about whether there should be a lawyer, "the truth." That is certainly a controversial topic, it developed a fruitful discussion. Most played a role in the dialogue committee, which was attended by representatives of the Krasnoyarsk regional law office "Malta and Partners." A lively dialogue between the Commission and the speakers. All the speakers performed the task before them. They succeeded brilliantly present the results of their research and interest of students. These students seems like future professionals. It is no coincidence the committee members called students by their "colleagues".

The day was very eventful and interesting, and was pleased with the teachers and the students.


Anastasia Chikhachev

Catherine Novoselov

Alexander Troshchenko

Grandma Alina