Campaign May 9 "Wall of Memory"

It is no secret that the Great Patriotic War touched every citizen of our great country. Everyone by doing their job made us closer to the Great Victory. It is hard to overestimate one's contribution to our victory. Veterans and home front workers, nurses and cooks – without any of them we would not be living today as we live. Since the end of World War II 70 years have passed, but we remember and will always remember the heroism of our ancestors.

Until the end of May, the students and staff of Law Institute of the SFU have a unique opportunity to tell the whole institution of the heroism of their grandparents, great-grandparents. You need to bring a copy of your photos World War II veteran and a brief description: his name, what did he done during the Great Patriotic War. Then the photo, along with information you need to place on one of the banners that hang on the second and third floor of the Law Institute. Let's tell each other about the heroic deeds of our relatives and friends, committed in the name of our lives!