Yenisei Law School for Young Scientists

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For the first time Law School of the Siberian Federal University with the support of the Krasnoyarsk regional branch of the Lawyers’ Association of Russia will be held Yenisei law school of young scientists. Yenisei Law School will be held 17-18 September 2015 in the framework of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Law Institute.

The main topic of the Yenisei law school of young scientists is the "Preservation of cultural heritage of Siberia", the goal - to organize scientific communication through interdisciplinary approach, the exchange of ideas between young scientists, the promotion of the Siberian legal science and the idea of ​​preservation of Siberian cultural heritage. There will be series of interactive lectures, work in small groups, workshops in the following areas:

Legal regulation of preservation of cultural heritage in pre-revolutionary and Soviet Siberia and at the present stage;

Administrative and legal regulation of cultural heritage;

Civil-law regulation of cultural heritage;

Criminal legal aspects of cultural heritage;

International legal aspects of the cultural heritage conservation.

We invite graduates, applicants, candidates of sciences under the age of 36 years to participate in the Yenisei Law School. Participation is free, travel and accommodation is held independently by nonresident participants. As a result of the participation there will a certificate of advanced training.

Applications for participation in the Yenisei legal school of young scientists are accepted until September 7, 2015 by e-mail and you can submit a request online. If you have any questions, please contact Ph.D., assistant professor of constitutional, administrative and municipal law, Deputy Director for Science Vasilyeva Anna Fedotovna, afvassilieva@yan<wbr< a="">>, call_skype_logo.png+79233280309, assistant of the department of criminology Grigorieva Maria Alexandrovna 73912062357.