Aniversary Days of Legal Science in “Yenisei Political-legal readings”

Our science days are devoted to fascinating date this time - 60 years anniversary of Siberian Federal University Law School. Further events are planned: International social-legal congress, Enisey school of young scientists, scientific forums, discussion areas, round tables, lectures of visiting professors and guests of honor.


  1. Krasnoyarsk regional department of Russian lawyers association
  2. Ministry of economic development and investment policy of Krasnoyarsk region
  3. Department of Federal antitrust service of Krasnoyarsk region
  5. Publishing house «Prospect»
  6. Magazine «Nalogoved»
  7. Magazine «Competition and law»
  8. Informational center «Iskra»
  9. Magazine «Actual problems of Russian law»

Program committee

  • Uss Alexander Viktorovich - chairman of legislative assembly of Krasnoyarsk region, President of the SFU, Chairman of Krasnoyarsk regional department of Association of lawyers of Russia, honored lawyer of the Russian federation, J.D., professor.
  • Barabash Anatoliy Sergeevich - J.D., professor of department of criminal process of SFU LS.
  • Drobushevskiy Sergey Alexandrovich - head of a department of history of state and law of SFU LS, J.D., professor.
  • Kondrashov Andrew Alexandrovich - head of a department of constitutional, administrative and municipal law, J.D., professor.
  • Sahnova Tatyana Vladimirovna - head of a department of civil process law, J.D., professor.
  • Tarbagaev Alexey Nikolaevich - head of a department of criminal law, honored lawyer of the Russian federation, J.D., professor.
  • Shishko Irina Viktorovna - director of the SFU LS, head of a department of commerce and entrepreneur law, J.D., professor.
  • Shedrin Nikolay Vasilievich - head of a department of delictology and criminology, J.D., professor.

Program of the conference

Languages of conference: Russian, English, German

International social-legal congress

“Family institution in Germany and Russia: legal and social aspects”

14-16 Sept 2015

Main topics of the Congress:

  1. Legal regulation of family institution in Russia and Germany

Moderator - Merk K.P., J.D., professor of University of Koblenz and Landau.

  1. Social welfare

Moderator - Machulskaya E.E., J.D. professor of a department of labor law of Lomonosov MSU LS; Petrova E.I. C.J.S. associate professor (docent), head of a department of labor and ecological law of SFU LS.

  1. Juvenile service’s functions

moderator - Oberloscamp H., J.D., professor of faculty of applied social sciences of University of Cologne (retired); Shchedrin N.V. - head of a department of delictology and criminology, J.D., professor.

On all matters concerning organization and conduction of Congress please contact Vasilyeva Anna Fedotovna, C.L.S., APD of constitutional, administrative and municipal law, deputy director on science of SFU LS 8923 328 03 09, E-mail:

Program of the conference

online registration

Yenisei school of young scientists

“Saving of objects of cultural heritage of Siberia”

17-18 Sept 2015

Interactive lections, work in a small groups, master classes are planned in a frameworks of school in following directions:

  1. Legal regulation of saving of monuments of cultural heritage, time perspective: pre-revolutionary, soviet’s Russia and current regulation;
  2. Administrative-legal regulation of objects of cultural heritage;
  3. Civil-legal regulation of objects of cultural heritage;
  4. Criminal-legal aspects of regulation of objects of cultural heritage;
  5. International-legal aspects of regulation of objects of cultural heritage;

On all matters, concerning organization and conduction of Yenisei school of young scientists please contact Vasilyeva Anna Fedotovna, C.L.S., APD of constitutional, administrative and municipal law, deputy director on science of SFU LS 8923 328 03 09, E-mail:

Scientific forums

23-24 Sept 2015

Anticorruption forum - «Corruption prevention: modern approaches and perspectives»

Scientific areas:

  1. Corruption prevention in healthcare;

2. Corruption prevention in education;

3. Political corruption prevention;

4. Civil service’s corruption prevention’s problems and perspectives;

5. Corruption prevention experience of foreign countries;

6. Civil society’s role in corruption prevention.

Curators – Astanin V.V., J.D., professor, deputy director on scientific and educational work of FBI “Scientific center of legal information at Ministry of Justice of the RF”, vice-president of Russian criminology association; Shedrin N.V., J.D., professor, head of department of delictology and criminology; Pan Dunmei, J.D., professor, head of Center on Russian law study of Heilongjiang university; Zurianova I.A., C.L.S., associate professor (docent) of  department of delictology and criminology (8902 910 75 90, E-mail:

25 Sept 2015

X Siberian tax forum - 2015 «Practical aspects of taxation repatriation and capital’s amnesty»

Moderator - Tsvetkov I.V., J.D., professor of department of commerce law and fundamentals of jurisprudence of Lomonosov MSU.

Curator - Lusenko E.A. head of a Siberian office of «Pepelyaev group» (8391 277 73 00, E-mail:

Round tables

22 Sept 2015

System-constitutive factors in a legal regulation of social relationships

Moderator - Rulan N. professor of Aix-Marcel University.

Curator - Drobushevskiy S.A. - head of a department of history of state and law of SFU LS, J.D., professor; Mishina I.D. associate professor (docent) of department of theory of state and law of SFU LS (8913 553 43 11, E-mail:

online registration

23 Sept 2015

  1. Differentiation and discrimination in legal regulation of labor and social-welfare relationships.

Curator - Petrova E.I. C.J.S. associate professor (docent), head of a department of labor and ecological law of SFU LS.

online registration

  1. Development of energetics in Arctic zone: economics, ecology, law

Moderator - Ignatyeva I.A., J.D., APD of department of ecologic and land law of Lomonosov MSU LS

Curator - Pavelyeva E.A. c.l.s. APD of department of international law of SFU LS; Sidorova T.U. APD, head of department of international law of SFU LS (8903 988 44 40, E-mail:

24 Sept 2015

  1. Actual issues of realization of competence of public authorities of governmental power and local government in Russia

Curator - Kondrashov A.A., J.D., professor, head of a department of constitutional, administrative and municipal law; Zenkina A.B., C.L.S. APD of a department of constitutional, administrative and municipal law (8902 923 30 14, E-mail:

  1. 25 years of Russian Antitrust regulation: law enforcement practice and tendencies of development

Moderator - Tenishev A.P. head of an antitrust department of FAS of the RF; Luzbin E.L. deputy administrator of Krasnoyarsk department of FAS of the RF.

Curator - Shishko I.V., J.D., professor director of the SFU LS, head of a department of commerce and entrepreneur law.

Online registration

  1. Administrative liability of entrepreneurs

Curator – Mickevich L.A., C.L.S., APD, professor of department of constitutional, administrative and municipal law; Zablotskiy S.S., head of group of companies “Arbicon”, advocate, member of an Expert council of Legisltive Assembly of Krasnoyarsk region (8 391 211 96 00, E-mail:

  1. Criminalistics’ maintenance of law enforcement practice

Moderator - Knuazkov A.S., J.D., APD of department of criminalistics of NITSU; Bayanov A.I., c.l.s., APD of department of criminalistics of SFU LS.

Curator - Zuravleva I.A., c.l.s., APD, head of department of criminalistics of SFU LS (8913 038 25 77, E-mail:

online registration

  1. Criminal process: optimization or unreasonable simplification?

Moderator - Golovko L.V., J.D., professor, head of department of criminal process, justice and prosecution supervision of Lomonosov MSU LS.

Curator - Barabash A.S., J.D., professor of department of criminal process of SFU LS, Shaginyan A.S., C.L.S., APD of department of criminal process of SFU LS.

25 Sept 2015

  1. Reformation of civil legislation: general provisions concerning deals, obligations and contracts.

Moderator - Dolinskaya V.V., J.D., professor of department of civil and family law of Kutafin Moscow State Juridical University, member of scientific-consulting counsel at the Supreme Court.  

Curator - Kachur N.F., c.l.s., APD, head of a civil law department (8902 932 52 45, E-mail:

online registration

  1.  Actual Issues of Russian criminal process: conference.

Moderator - Golovko L.V., J.D., professor, head of department of criminal process, justice and prosecution supervision of Lomonosov MSU LS.

Curator - Shaginyan A.S., C.L.S., APD of department of criminal process of SFU LS; Brester A.A., C.L.S., APD of department of criminal process of SFU LS.

Discussion areas

24 Sept 2015

  1. Acceleration of investment attractiveness of Siberian regions in conditions of development of economic connections in Eurasian economical union

Curator - Gramatunov A.S., deputy minister of economic development and investment policy of Krasnoyarsk region; Kluk N.L.,c.l.s., APD of department of of commerce and entrepreneur law; Mescherikov V.A., c.l.s., APD of department of international law (8 923 288 60 38, E-mail: ).

  1. Actual issues of civil process

Moderator - Sahnova T.V., J.D., professor, head of department of civil process law.

Curator - Lubchenko M.I., senior lecturer of department of civil process law (8909 523 59 59, E-mail:

Open lectures

22 Sept 2015

Russian ecological legislation: Condition and issues of development

Lector - Ignatyeva I.A., J.D., APD of department of ecologic and land law of Lomonosov MSU LS

23 Sept 2015

Fieldwork in juridical anthropology

lector - Rulan N., professor of Aix-Marcel University

Participation and registration

To participate in events of Days of legal science “Yenisei political-legal readings” please fill the online registration form before 14 Sept 2015. In case of any issues please contact curators of events. Or contact general curator - Pavelyeva Evelina Anatolyevna, APD of department of international law, c.l.s. (e-mail: