International socila-legal congress "Family institution in Russia and Germany: legal and social aspects"

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Siberian Federal University Law School and Federal professional union of law professors, teaching in a higher education institutions in a sphere of social security of the GFR (BAGHR) in a framework of anniversary events dedicated to 60th anniversary of SFU LS, will conduct International social-legal congress “Family institution in Russia and Germany: legal and social aspects”.

Federal professional union of law professors, teaching in a higher education institutions in a sphere of social security of the GFR (BAGHR) founded in 1970. Aim of this union is a support and development of jurisprudence in institutes that specialize in social security. Union conducts conferences abroad every two years. Union will conduct Congress together with SFU LS this year thanks to visiting professor Helga Oberloskamp (taught as visiting professor in 2014). 13 German professors – members of the union, working in different regions of Germany will take part in the Congress.

Three thematic sections are planned:

  1. “Legal regulation of family institution in Russia and Germany” (14 Sept 2015)
  2. “Juvenile service functions” (15 Sept 2015)
  3. “Social security” (16 Sept 2015)

Location: SFU Library

Program (preliminary)

International social-legal congress “Family institution in Russia and Germany: legal and social aspects”

14 sept 2015


First session: “Legal regulation of family institution in Russia and Germany”


Merk Kurt-Peter, J.D., professor of University of Koblenz and Landau

9.30 – 10.00 – Registration

10.00 – 10.15 - Opening of the Congress

10.00 – 11.45

  1. Foundation of family law and juvenile law (speaker – Kokkot-Vaidenfeld Gabriela, J.D., professor of University of Koblenz and Landau)
  2. Juvenile’s legal status (speaker – Moritc Hainer-Peter, J.D., professor of University of Erfurt)
  3. Juveniles’ rights secured in international legal acts (speaker Merk Kurt-Peter, J.D., professor of University of Koblenz and Landau)


11.45 – 12.00 coffee break

12.00 – 13.45

  1. immaterial rights of children: particular aspects (speaker - Bogdanova Inna Sergeevna, C.L.S., associate professor (docent) of department of civil law of SFU LS)
  2. Housing rights of juveniles (speaker Sorokina Svetlana Yakovlevna, C.L.S., associate professor (docent) of department of civil law of SFU LS)

13.45 – 14.30 – lunch

14.30 – 16.00

1. Transfer of children into foster families: in search of balance of interests of kids and parents (speaker – Tereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna, C.L.S., associate professor (docent) of department of international law of SFU LS)

Legal foundations of adoption of children in Russia (speaker – Katsina Tatiana Anatolyevna, C.H.S., associate professor (docent) of department of theory and methods of social work of SFU LS)

Issues in relationships of adopted and foster family (speaker – Zizko Elena Valerievna, C.S.S., associate professor (docent) of department of theory and methods of social work of SFU LS)

16.00 – 17.15 – Coffee-break

17.15 – 18.30

1. Right to social security (speaker – Foigt Ioahim Hans Hermann, J.D., professor of University of Koblenz and Landau

2. Obligation to aliment relatives and husband/wife (speaker – Brighthaupt Marianne, J.D., professor of University of Applied Sciences Landshut (retired))

3. Role of agreements in property disputes of spouses (speaker – Galaganova Natalia Pavlovna, C.L.S., associate professor (docent) of department of civil law of SFU LS)

19.00 – Solemn dinner

15 Sept 2015


Second session: “Juvenile service functions”


Oberloskamp Helga, J.D., professor of Cologne University, faculty of applied social sciences (retired).

Schedrin Nikolay J.D., professor, head of department of delictology and criminology.

9.30 – 10.00 – Registration


10.00 – 11.45

  1. Issues and main directions of development of juvenile law (speaker –
  2. Social work – profession in a sphere of human rights (speaker – Shaub Stefan, J.D., professor of Cologne Catholic University)
  3. Directions of social work (speaker – Nidermayer Kristina, professor of Public university of Mittweida)

11.45 – 12.00


12.00 – 13.45

  1. Features of legal investigation of family issues cases (speaker - Oberloskamp Helga, J.D., professor of Cologne university, faculty of applied social sciences (retired))
  2. Protection of kids’ rights: some aspects of theory and practice (speaker -  Ruchkova Natalia Jurievna, senior lecturer of department of civil law of SFU LS)
  3. commission on juvenile affairs and protection of their rigths (speaker – Mickevich Ludmila Abramovna, C.L.S., APD, professor of department of constitutional, administrative and municipal law)

13.45 – 14.30 – lunch

14.30 – 16.00

  1. Juvenile service as a system of prevention of delinquency of juveniles (Speaker – Nikitina Natalia Alexandrovna, senior lecturer of department of delictology and criminology of SFU LS)
  2. employment assistance of previously convicted (Huhting Konrad Emil, J.D., professor of Emden\Leer University (retired))

16.00 – 17.15 – coffee-breaks

17.15 – 18.30

  1. “Step toward” project as a mechanism of resocialisation of juveniles (speaker – Nazarov Alehander Dmitrievich, C.L.S., APD, head of criminal process department)
  2. Effectiveness of functioning of penitentiary facilities in Russia and Germany (speaker – Teplyashin Pavel Vladimirovich, C.L.S., APD of department of delictology and criminology of SFU LS)

16 Sept 2015


Third session: “Social security”


Machulskaya., J.D. professor of a department of labor law of Lomonosov MSU LS;

Petrova E.I., C.J.S. associate professor (docent), head of a department of labor and ecological law of SFU LS.

9.30 – 10.00 – registration

10.00 – 11.45

  1. concept of social market economy (speaker – Fidler Jorgen Artur Josef, J.D., professor (retired))
  2. System of social security (speaker – Shpindler Helga, J.D., professor of University of Duisburg-Essen)

11.45 – 12.00 Coffee break

12.00 – 13.45

  1. System of social security in the Russian Federation: issues and perspectives (speaker – Basalayeva Svetlana Pavlovna, C.L.S., APD of department of labor and ecological law of SFU LS)
  2. Partnership in social sphere on a level of local government (speaker – Burghard Hainz-Artur, J.D., professor of Oldenburg\Ostfrisland\Wilhelmshaven University (retired)

13.45 – 14.30 – lunch

14.30 – 16.00

  1. Measures of social support of families with kids in regions of the Russian Federation: comparative-legal analysis (speaker – Petrova E.I., C.J.S. associate professor (docent), head of a department of labor and ecological law of SFU LS)
  2. Social protection of women and persons with families responsibilities in labor relationships (speaker – Plotnikova Nadezda Gennadievna, C.J.S. associate professor (docent), head of a department of labor and ecological law of SFU LS)
  3. Criminal-legal protection of labor rights of pregnant women and women with children under 3 years old (speaker Kachina Natalia Vineaminovna APD of department of criminal law of SFU LS)

16.00 – 17.15 Coffee break

17.15 – 18.30

  1. Issues of migration law (speaker – Knezel Peter, J.D. professor of Potsdam University)
  2. Legal regulation of refugees status in the RF (speaker – Zenkina Alehandra Borisovna, C.L.S., APD of constitutional, administrative and municipal law of SFU LS)

17 Sept 2015


Trip of foreign delegation into Kansk juvenile correctional facility

18 Sept 2015


Surikov’s house-museum

Trip on Yenisei

19 Sept 2015

19. 00 Philharmonic visit