Conference. Day 1!

Annual days of jurisprudence "Yenisei legal readings" started on 21 September, a discussion platform "Increasing the investment attractiveness of the regions of Siberia and the development of economic ties in the Eurasian Economic Union". In two hours following issues were discussed:

  • Objects and investing;
  • Mechanisms and models of investment;
  • The problem is the lack of guaranteed market;
  • Expected results of the system;
  • Areas of responsibility of the authorities;
  • The need for development institutions and others.

Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of the fourth convocation, deputy chairman of the Federation of Producers of Russia, Valery Sergienko, apologized for "not optimistic tossed" into the discussion. Among the sore points of business development deputy singled excessive legal regulation of activity, sometimes verging on the absurd. Valery also noted the need for the formation of the forecasting system and a guaranteed market. A partial solution could be futures contracts in agricultural industry through the creation of "food exchange" on the Western model.

As participants in the discussion at this point is difficult to talk about the development of the industry, as it is the core engineering, which at this point is not developed in Siberia. Greatly complicates the situation and that the main objects of investing remain the extractive industries, and to concentrate resources on "breakthrough areas" in the currently difficult.

In addition to the round table everyone could attend a public lecture "Actual problems of criminal procedure policy of modern Russia" Of Leonid Vitalievich Golovko, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of criminal proceedings, Justice and Prosecutorial Oversight Law Faculty of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov. In his lecture, Professor highlighted the features of inquisitorial and accusatorial model of criminal procedure, their development and operation at present.

Speaking about the Russian model, Golovko concluded that, historically, and in fact it is inquisitorial, but in the new Criminal Procedure Code were enshrined principles of prosecutorial (competitive) model, which leads to a lot of controversy. He ended the lecture with lively discussion and a storm of applause.