Conference. Day 2 !

September 22 at 11.00 in the auditorium of 4-20, a round table of Professor N. Rouland. Norbert Rouland - the famous French scientist and lawyer, founder of the French Association of Legal Anthropology, an internationally recognized expert in the field of science. The event caused quite a stir among both students and teachers: the audience was fully engaged.

Professor Ruland shared his personal experience in scientific research. There were discussed such important topics as the importance of law anthropology as a science, factors that complicate the management of anthropological research, scientific co-operation between countries in this area. As it turned out, in the field of scientific co-operation, we have to go. In particular, our esteemed guest complained that the French anthropologists have so little familiar with Russian studies in anthropology, and in fact we are being so multicultural and heterogeneous (approx.'s - In terms of development of various nations) a country of great interest to anthropology.

Then the word passed to the representative of the Russian side - Head of the Department of History of State and Law, JD - S.A Drobyshevskiy. In his speech he reiterated the importance of anthropological research to the international community: in many ways only with the mediation of Anthropology humanity can properly learn "the objective laws of development and preservation of politically organized society." In his report, Professor Drobyshevskiy highlighted several of the above laws.

Having finished his speech, Professor Drobyshevskiy gave the speech to the other participants of the round table. Submitted its report could be anyone. This offer is taken advantage lecturer in theory and history of state and law, even students. It's amazing how versatile this research field: reports were devoted to the most diverse range of issues, ranging from human rights to dignity and finishing techniques resolve collisions. All this, of course, shows the importance of ambiguity and legal anthropology to jurisprudence and to society in general. Due to the fact that the speakers were many, the meeting extended even for half an hour to give the word to everyone.

Then a lecture Professor Emeritus of the University of Passau in retirement, M. Finke in Russian. It was a lecture about the retroactivity of the law. This concept was considered from the perspective of both German law and Russian. Particularly valuable comparison of the two legal systems becomes today meant to strengthen the processes of scientific cooperation between Russia and Germany. The professor shared his opinion on the various contentious legal issues, said a number of interesting incidents. In short, the lecture made a strong impression on the students. There were no empty placy in the room. In the evening there was a meeting of Professor Finke with everyone in an informal setting. Students were able to ask questions and just chat with this amazing person.

The day ended with an interesting lecture of Leonid Vitalyevich Golovko, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of criminal proceedings, Justice and Prosecutorial Oversight Law Faculty of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov. It was raised topical issues of Russian law, after which Professor Golovko joined the open dialogue with the students, answering all your questions. The debate was quite active, which is directly indicative of increased attention to the problems of the Russian law.