Conference. Day 3 !

September 23 in the building of the Library of the SFU a roundtable on energy development in the Arctic was held  where the central place was given to the economic, environmental law.

The meeting welcomed and congratulations on the anniversary of the Law Institute launched the Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Investment Policy and Foreign Relations of Krasnoyarsk Territory A. S. Natarov. Anton S. told about participation of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the development of the Arctic region, the need for a new strategy for development of natural resources in the north of the province. The moderator of the round table became Doctor of Law, Associate Professor of Environmental and Land Law at Moscow State University. University IA Ignatiev, who made a presentation on the current topic of energy saving and ecological conditions in the Arctic.

The next speacker was the deputy head of the territorial body of the State Counselor of the Russian Federation, Class 3, Tereshkov VI His report was devoted to the security measures and the elimination of the consequences of possible man-made disasters in the Arctic region. His speech Valery Ilyich accompanied all sorts of maps and other graphic information, which only deepened the interest in this problem. Next round table variety pictures of life of indigenous peoples of the North, and then discussed the problem of access to social services and the need for development of transport networks.

Lisauskayte Valentina Vlado, Ph.D., Associate Professor of International and Comparative Law of the Law Institute of Irkutsk State University, presented a report on the legal status of the Arctic and various international treaties. The roundtable concluded Tatiana Sidorova, Ph.D., Associate Professor of International Law Faculty of the Siberian Federal University, sharing research experience of the Canadian Arctic energy development.

At the end of the speeches, guests and participants exchanged views and suggestions, which were included in the resolution. The interest of the Arctic region showed students Law Institute. As noted at the roundtable, the Arctic - a new and promising field of research that are particularly relevant to our region. We hope that the proposals will resonate with the university management and the Krai Government and will be implemented.

Parallel to this, on the street. Maerchaka 6 were Norbert Roulan' lecture, professor at the University of Aix-Marseille, entitled "Field studies in legal anthropology" and a lecture M.V.Talan. Professor Talan is a Doctor of Law and Head of the Department of Criminal Law Institute of the Kazan Federal University. It was on the main criminal legal systems of modernity, as well as problems of criminal liability of legal persons. These themes are relevant and interesting to our time, and thus collected quite a large number of listeners. Students actively engage in dialogue with the professors, asking and raising interesting questions.

The third day of the Yenisei legal readings concluded by the German honorary professor emeritus M. Finke reported on the blameworthiness of euthanasia, physician committed or non-profit organization in Germany. Traditionally, the speeches of Professor Finke going to a full house of interested listeners, students, starting from the second year and ending with local professors.