The Law Institute held the first Russian legal school of young scientists

Law Institute with the participation of the Institute of Humanities and the Institute of architecture and design of SFU with the support of SFU Krasnoyarsk Regional Branch of the Association of Lawyers of Russia, the company "Garant" on 17-18 September 2015 for the first time held Yenisei law school of young scientists.

The first school was devoted to the theme "Preservation of cultural heritage of Siberia." The basic idea underlying the concept of school - to create conditions for scientific communication through cross disciplinary approach, the exchange of ideas of young scientists, promotion of the Siberian legal science and the idea of ​​preservation of cultural heritage of Siberia.

During the school concept interdisciplinary approach has been successfully implemented. This was made possible not only due to the fact that the program of the School was built on inter-sectoral consideration of the problems of legal regulation of relations in the field of conservation of cultural heritage, but also the fact that the students of the School were representatives of different professions: lawyers, architects, historians and archaeologists. Since the school was attended by over 40 young scientists and experts of the Legal Institute of the SFU, Sibirean Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, the Institute of Architecture and Design of SFU, the Humanities Institute of SFU, the Novosibirsk Institute of Law of Tbilisi State University, the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Service for State Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

At the grand opening of the school on behalf of the rector of SFU Verkhovets SV Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation SFU congratulated participants with the opening of the first Yenisei law school of young scientists, emphasizing a very interesting and necessary format multi- and interdisciplinary cooperation of several institutions of SFU. This vice-rector noted that the Legal Institute filed an unprecedented example of inter-institutional cooperation initiatives within the university and to go beyond the narrow direction, which each institution in one way or another committed.

Since the Yenisei Law School of young scientists combined three institutions SFU, director of each institution attended the opening of school.

Szyszko I.V., Doctor of Law, Professor, Director of the Law Institute of SFU said that consideration of the problems of preservation of cultural heritage is impossible without taking into account the architectural, religious, artistic, technical, archaeological and other aspects, which is why school is carried out in close Cooperation with the other two institutions of our Siberian Federal University.

Gergilev DN, Ph.D., director of the Humanities Institute SFU particularly stressed the importance of preserving historical and cultural heritage not only in Russia but also internationally, as a result of the misconduct of destroyed monuments of international importance. In this regard, just Yenisei Law School raises a significant issue not only for lawyers, historians, architects, but also for the whole population, for each person. Very often savagely destroyed cultural heritage we lose them forever. We lose not only the objects, but also lose their history, their culture, and their traditions. In this regard, I consider that the Law School is necessary; it raises questions that are at the forefront of the cultural development of our region and our state.

Gerashchenko SM, candidate of architecture, professor, director of the Institute of Architecture and Design SFU thanked that the theme of the first school connected with the protection of monuments, and noted that the city has already lost a lot of what can be proud to show descendants, guests.

A feature of the School has become a significant part of practitioners from government.

Tihonovich Y.V., Deputy Director - Head of state protection and the preservation of cultural heritage Service for State Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Krasnoyarsk Territory at the opening of the School congratulated all those present on the remarkable initiative of creating the Yenisei law school of young scientists. Service is at the forefront of issues of conservation of cultural heritage. Krasnoyarsk region has a rich historical and cultural heritage, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is located 4904 cultural heritage. Geography of cultural heritage is extensive enough: the most northern cultural heritage site - a tomb Begichev NA Dickson Island and the southernmost destination - House Silvina MA with. Ermakovsky.

Vojta I.V, the Krasnoyarsk regional court judge, the chairman of the administrative board at the opening of the School of the report "Analysis of judicial practice in cases of administrative offenses in the sphere of preservation of cultural heritage in the Krasnoyarsk Territory."

AA Kuznetsov, Deputy Head of Control and Organization Department of the Office of the Ministry of Culture of Russia in the Siberian Federal District to open a school report "Legal gaps in the existing Russian legislation on cultural heritage sites," noting that the seriousness and complexity of the topic chosen as the destruction of cultural heritage is gaining momentum.

Krasnopeeva T.V, head of registration of non-residential real estate Office Rosreestra Krasnoyarsk region presented a report "Features of state registration of rights to objects of cultural heritage" at the round table "Civil-law regulation of relations in the sphere of preservation of cultural heritage."

Morozov N.A, Ph.D., assistant professor of constitutional, administrative and municipal law SFU Law Institute, a judge of the Third Appellate Court held an interactive lecture-discussion "Administrative responsibility for non-compliance with the maintenance and use of, the state protection of cultural heritage In Russian federation"

Sokolnikova V.S, Attorney Department for Supervision of the rights and freedoms of the citizens of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Prosecutor's Office participated in the round table "Criminal and legal aspects of regulation of relations in the sphere of preservation of cultural heritage."

Students of the School were able to discuss for two days in a warm and welcoming atmosphere of the Legal Institute in a dialogue manner with the "academics" and "practice" the most important and topical issues of legal regulation and enforcement in the field of conservation of cultural heritage:

- The legal framework regulating relations in the field of conservation of cultural heritage sites in Siberia,

- Historical experience: Legal regulation of preservation of cultural heritage in pre-revolutionary and Soviet Siberia

- Control and supervision over the state, content, preservation, use, popularization of objects of cultural heritage,

- Administrative responsibility for non-compliance with the maintenance and use of, the state protection of cultural heritage sites in the Russian Federation,

- Civil-law regulation of relations in the sphere of preservation of cultural heritage,

- Criminal and legal aspects of regulation of relations in the sphere of preservation of cultural heritage,

- International legal aspects of the conservation of cultural heritage,

- UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Upon completion of the School students who took part in all the activities of the School, have been issued a certificate of advanced training. To Law School in the future would be more productive to build further work on the organization and conduct of the Yenisei law school of young scientists were surveyed participants. Many participants noted the good organization and good-natured atmosphere of the school.

A.A Kuznetsov, Deputy Head of Control and Organization Department of the Office of the Ministry of Culture of Russia in the Siberian Federal District: "As a representative of the professional community engaged in the protection of cultural heritage of our country, I am particularly pleased that the organizers of the first Yenisei law school of young scientists have chosen the theme of scientific discourse problems of preservation of objects cultural heritage of Siberia. One of the most important problems in this sphere - the lack of a sufficient number of qualified experts in the remote from Moscow and St. Petersburg regions. Not less important is the question of "uniformly understood criteria of" legal regulation and enforcement, including the supervision of the state, content, preservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage. In the preservation of immovable monuments of history and culture, as well as in international affairs, "you cannot play and manipulate words ... each term should be clear, transparent" (from the speech of Vladimir Putin at the UN General Assembly on September 28, 2015 ), or instead of authentic cultural values ​​of our descendants in the best case will go to a dummies and models (and well even if a life-size!). School organizers, gathered on one platform architects, archaeologists, historians and lawyers, provided a unique opportunity for interdisciplinary dialogue on a wide range of issues related to the past and present of the protection and preservation of cultural heritage. Most of the papers and lectures accompanied by visual side and terminate the active exchange of positions "theoreticians" and "practitioners". It's safe to say that the event was held at a high professional level and delivered to the participants not only enjoy communicating, but also allowed to take stock of the results achieved, to formulate promising scientific perspective, to define new "growth points" for young scientists. Although, in all honesty (he once being a beginner scientist honed profnavyki School of the young author, organized by S. Panarin), the basic meaning of these short meetings is not so much advanced training "students" as to create conditions for sharing intellectual leisure neophytes and expert mentors (by the way, as we know, in ancient Greece, the word «shole» (school) was originally just meant "leisure activities"), resulting in the achieved mutual understanding between different generations and formed the correct worldviews. Good luck SFU Law Institute in a good undertaking, and young scientists (undergraduates, graduate students and professors) to reach new horizons in the chosen scientific path! ".

Gavrilov E.V, an expert of the legal department of expert-legal department of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Member of the Association of Lawyers of Russia KRO: "All lectures, discussions and round tables of law school were relevant and interesting. Harmonically matched speakers and delivers a report, not only theoreticians, teachers and other representatives of the Law Institute of SFU, but also practitioners, who are daily engaged in the decision of problem of the conservation of cultural heritage. We would like to highlight the A.A Kuznetsov (Office of the Ministry of Culture of Russia in the Siberian Federal District), which is adorned with his presence almost all sections within the Law School, showed great practical knowledge in the field of legal regulation of cultural monuments. I am glad that we have in Krasnoyarsk there are professionals who, as they say, are totally immersed in the subject. Speech arbitrator N.A Morozova within the lecture-discussions also impressed, first of all very structured and accessible presentation. As they say, no empty words: everything is clear and understandable.

The original and very good idea turned out to attract students of presentations at the round table dedicated to the historical aspect of the preservation of monuments of culture in Siberia. Reports of students Matveeva O.V, Ilyin, V. Vyborova A. Leszczynski, IA Voschilova, D. Smolin were done in a professional manner. Involuntarily he remembered himself at that age, when I started the first steps in the jurisprudence on the subject of the research. Undoubtedly reports of students made under the law school, are worthy to take part in some prestigious competition of scientific works of young scientists (eg, the Competition YuRVUZa or "Legal IQ»).

Also the organization of Law School: no time delays, a clear adherence to the rules, coffee breaks, registration and presentation of certificates, and certificates of advanced training. I would like to wish that Law School Law Institute SFU continued its work in the next year, at the same time would bring together not only the young scientists but also young professionals who are interested in improving their skills on law school. Good luck!".

Lapitskaya Yu, engineer and architect of "Orange pyramid": "Many thanks to the Legal Institute for the opportunity to communicate with specialists such narrow scope! Despite the fact that the Yenisei Law School has just started to exist, everything was at the highest level, including both the acquisition of new knowledge and organization of the event. As a result turned out very interesting, cognitive, emotional, and "live" course! Lovely sessions interesting conversations. All information is presented very professionally and is also available for young scientists and architectural industries. We hope that the Yenisei Law School will become an annual tradition and will be closer cooperation with the Institute of Architecture and Design. ".