Meeting on the criminal process continues.

Young researchers have hard times these days. The flow of information it requires fast processing, separating the useful from the useless, and the variety of sources makes them lost. Meanwhile, in science, especially humanitarian, there is always a need for discussion of reading proposed, accumulated in the critical attitude to the latter.

Here and there is help for students, undergraduates and graduate students whose area of ​​research is the criminal process: scientific society dedicated to the specified area of ​​law has been working for more than four years. Organized primarily at the initiative of the students there is a circle with the support and scientific guidance of Doctor of Laws, professor of criminal procedure A. Barabash, Ph.D., senior lecturer A.A Brester.

During the past academic year was held on 6 large meetings (participants practiced the circle as small meetings), where the participants - students, undergraduates and graduate students interested in discussing the problems of criminal procedure science. Do not forget alma mater and alumni, as far as possible taking part in meetings and discussions. In addition to general meetings, to discuss interesting topics, publications and news happening in the process of the Internet as part of a specially created site in one of social networks, which, among other things, the participants put their works for criticism, and where sharing of information on the study with colleagues.

On the work of the circle in 2014 and published an article in a major newspaper SFU.

The format of the meetings generally is less formal, which is inherent in most of the seminars and lectures: academic leaders in the context of the discussion of the problems are on a par with the younger colleagues, allowing to ask questions, to defend his point of view, to argue and disagree, thereby taking the position not only of the teacher, as a mentor, or even an opponent, but the discussion itself always takes place in a cozy setting for a cup of tea.

Each of the members of the circle has been researching a particular topic under the guidance of teachers of the department of criminal procedure, and a general discussion, as a rule, submitted topics related to the research work of the participants, thus rendering invaluable assistance to authors of works, allowing to pay attention to what turned out to missed unnoticed but important and allow us to conclude.

Very useful for the participants proved the already traditional spring overcurrent theses, once again confirming its relevance and importance: all the members of the circle to successfully defend and former students became undergraduates directions "lawyer in the trial."

This academic year is planned to continue the work circle, so we invite you to attend the new participants - undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate students who wish to develop an interest in the problems of the criminal process.

For participation in the activities of the circle to contact Brester AA in person or by e-mail