Discussing a prison reform

October 22, 2015 on the initiative of the Department of Criminology and deliktology, the criminal proceedings in the Legal Institute of SFU students of the master's program "Juvenile law and juvenile justice" discussed the current issue of reforming the penal system of Russia in the context of juvenile offenders serving sentences.

As an expert and moderator of the discussion led the head of the international projects of the Moscow branch of the organization "Penal Reform International" (PRI) Alla Yakovlevna Pokras.

Master students of first and second year students discussed the problems of juvenile justice, restorative justice and Makarenkov’ technologies, lowering the age of criminal responsibility for juveniles, the restoration of the death penalty in Russia, and others.

In addition to the masters in the debate actively participated and teachers SFU Law Institute: Head of the master's program "Juvenile law and juvenile justice," Professor, Doctor of Law, Head of the Department of Criminology and deliktologii N.V.Schedrin; co-directors of the project "Step Forward" - Associate Professor, PhD, head of the department of criminal proceedings A.D.Nazarov and senior lecturer in criminology and deliktology, head of the department of social work N.A.Nikitina; senior lecturer in criminal proceedings, the lawyer of the Bar of Krasnoyarsk Railway, a member of the Qualification Commission of the Bar of the House of Krasnoyarsk krayaI.N.Narbut.

But before the discussion A.Ya.Pokras and assistant professor of criminal procedure SFU Law Institute, PhD, deputy chairman of the Public Oversight Commission of Krasnoyarsk kray Yu.V.Andreeva held a workshop with members of the PMC edge technology for verifying compliance with the human rights of juveniles in places detention of citizens. A group of interested students SFU Law Institute also participated in this seminar.

"Step Forward": Chronicle of Events

During the implementation of psycho-socio-legal project "Step Forward" held a series of interesting events.

During the International Social Congress to fourteen professors from Germany - specialists work with families and young adults - students and graduates of SFU Law Institute, involved in the project "Step Forward", on the basis of VC showed Kan fragment social training with inmates of the colony. After switching to participate in this training project manager "Step Forward", Head of the criminal process, PhD, dotsentA.D.Nazarov and headmaster Cannes VC V.A.Karapchuk, conducted with German and Russian experts debate about modern technology re-education of juvenile offenders in Germany and Russia.

It should be noted that before the trip to Kansk at a plenary meeting of the International Social Congress before the German colleagues to the report made by the head of the Krasnoyarsk branch of the International Makarenkov Association  V.V.Bibikova. It Makarenkovskie technologies that students use SFU Law Institute in the implementation of the project "A Step Forward", highly appreciated by scientists and educators in Germany: there Makarenkov do not exclude the use of technology and classic juvenile stages.

The trainer of the "Step Forward", 2nd year student of the master's program "Juvenile law and juvenile justice" Nikita Syurha in Irkutsk based partner organization of the project "Step Forward" - Irkutsk Fund "Yuventa" trained technology psychic- boxing. This advanced technology allows you to work with aggressive adolescents. Sport Technology of psycho-boxing in Irkutsk held a famous French scholar Richard Elbryunn. Now Nikita - the only coach in Krasnoyarsk who have international certificates for training on psycho-boxing.

Department of Criminal Procedure continues to participate in the project of the European Commission to work with minors and families in difficult life situation. 19-22 October 2015 with the participation of A.D.Nazarov program manager of the Moscow representative of the International Penal Reform A.Ya.Pokras; leading researcher of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, candidate of psychological sciences L.M.Karnozovoy from Abakan held in Krasnoyarsk and a series of seminars on restorative justice for experts of the Republic of Khakassia and Krasnoyarsk Kray, working with juveniles and their families, trapped in the a difficult situation.

It should be noted that the coach of the project "A Step Forward", 2nd year student of MP "Juvenile law and juvenile justice" Arina Matveeva formed among the students of the Social Work Law Institute SFU group for deployment on the basis of children's Kan colony project on mediation. Supervises the draft co-director of "Step Forward", head of the department of social work, senior lecturer in Criminology and Law Institute of SFU N.A.Nikitina deliktology. October 22, 2015 at a seminar with the new Project of "Step Forward" questions remediation technologies in working with juvenile offenders highlighted A.Ya.Pokras.