Activists of the Anti-Corruption student club SFU attended scientific and practical seminar "Fighting corruption: the role of public councils under the public authorities"

15 of October, 2015 Activists of the Anti-Corruption student club SFU attended scientific and practical seminar "Fighting corruption: the role of public councils under the public authorities" which was held in the International Exhibition and Business Center "Siberia". The representatives of the Governor's Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Region, law enforcement agencies, public organizations of the region, as well as representatives of research institutions and the business community took part in this event.

The main focus of the discussion was the role of civil society in preventing and combating corruption.

The head of the Public Chamber of human rights organizations, a professor of SibSAU them. academician M.F. Reshetnev, A.A.Puzanov, took the first word and  outlined the basic terms, statistics and public policies in this area.

Reports on violations of anti-corruption legislation, anti-corruption measures and their implementation, were also made by the representatives of the Governor’s Administration and law enforcement agencies.

The next stage of the event was the determination of the problematic issues that exist both in legislation and in practice. In particular, the current issues of "fair procurement", preparations for the Universiade - 2019, and corruption in the highest echelons of power have been address.

As a result of the event the main conclusion was made: the main thing in the fight against corruption - cooperation between governmental institutions and society, the strengthening of the actual position of public associations in the mechanism of preventing and combating corruption.

It is expected that the workshop will open a series of scientific and practical activities related to anti-corruption propaganda in the institutions of civil society.