Lawyers in the educational process

Department of Criminal Procedure attaches great importance to the participation of the lawyers in the educational process in the Law Institute of SFU.

Department of Criminal Procedure is closely working with the Department of the Bar (Head of Department - PhD, assistant professor, the lawyer of the Bar of the Krasnoyarsk "Shpagin and partners", a member of the Bar Council of the Krasnoyarsk Region I.S.Bogdanova).

In implementing the master's program "The lawyer in the trial" (supervisor - Doctor of Law, Professor of criminal proceedings A.S.Barabash) the role of teachers and volunteers of Department of Criminal Procedure is carried out by the talented young lawyers (almost all - graduates of the Law Institute of SFU) - I.A.Horoshev, D.A.Redkin, P.D.Kireev, V.V.Vasin, K.N.Morozova, A.V.Ekimov, K.S.Serebryanskaya and others.

For students’ educational process Department of Criminal Procedure and the Department of the Bar is actively using opportunities of the Lawyers Training Institute of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Chamber of Advocates (Director of the Institute - PhD, associate professor of criminal procedure, legal practice, the director of the Legal Clinic SFU Law Institute I.A.Shevchenko; lead Coach Institute - PhD, associate professor of criminal procedure, law practice, deputy director of the Legal Clinic SFU Law Institute A.A.Brester).

The Krasnoyarsk Regional Chamber of Advocates was one of the first among law enforcement structures which recognized bachelor's degree document as confirmation of the higher education. Therefore, among the students of the master's program “the lawyer in the trial” were and are graduates, who have already received the status of an advocate (of course, there are also students who work as paralegals, trainees lawyers, community paralegals). Five postgraduates and applicants of the Department of criminal procedure are advocates, and two of them lawyers of Krasnoyarsk law office "Maltov and partners" - and S. Fedorenkova M. Golik – also assistants of the Criminal Process Department – teach students to special disciplines, which are in contact with the activities of a lawyer.

A well-known in the Region lawyer of Zheleznodorozhnaya Bar Association (Krasnoyarsk), a member of the Qualification Commission of the Bar Association of our Region I.N.Narbut for several years teaches students disciplines related to advocacy: this year - special courses "Peculiarities of protection of minors 'and' minor in legal relationships "for students of the Master's program" Juvenile law and juvenile justice "(the supervisor of the program - Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Criminology and deliktology of the SFU Law Institute N.V.Schedrin).

Chairman of the Krasnoyarsk Bar "Shpagin and partners", a member of the Qualification Commission of the Bar Association of Krasnoyarsk Region, PhD, assistant professor of criminal procedure A.E.Shpagin for the first year teaches students the skills of advocacy and communication between a lawyer, investigator, prosecutor and court.

Great support to the Department of Criminal Procedure of the Law Institute of SFU is traditionally provided by Krasnoyarsk Law Office "Maltov and Partners" (Senior Managing Partner - K.N.Morozova). This year Office both financially and organizationally supported implementation of the project "profession LAYER" in the TIM Biryusa, as well as holding special roundtable at the International Yenisei political and legal readings (scientific conference).

Krasnoyarsk bar "Shpagin and partners" used to pay scholarships to the students of the Law Institute of SFU. The format of help to the Law Institute of SFU has been changed this year. At the initiative of the Chairman of the Bar A.E.Shpagin and the advocate of this bar, PhD, associate professor, head of the Department of Criminal Procedure of The law Institute of SFU, A.D.Nazarov at the expense of the Bar professor Dr. Law, Professor of the Moscow Law University of the Russian Interior Ministry V.N.Grigorev was invited as a visitor to the Yenisei political and legal readings. In addition to the keynote speech during the round table on the problems of simplified production, professor V.N.Grigorev held a public lecture for the students and teaching staff of the SFU Law Institute and other lawyers.

All cooperation projects between advocates and Law Institute of SFU are actively supported by the President of The Krasnoyarsk Regional Chamber of Advocates I.I.Krivokolesko and by the vice president of the Chamber V.E.Stepanov.