A.V. Teplyakova, the senior lecturer of the theory of law department made a working visit to Passau (Germany).

From 19 October to 30 October 2015 the senior lecturer of the theory of law department Teplyakova Anna Vladimirovna was visiting Passau for training in order to find out materials for dissertation and to participate in the symposium of student legal clinics “Specialization of legal clinics: the volume, limits and risks” held from 22 October to 24 October 2015 with the report "Student legal clinics across the border: a look at the work of the Student Legal Clinic of Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia". At the University of Passau Law Clinic works since 2014 and that is why they were interested in the experience of colleagues from other German legal clinics, and from abroad.

There are some features in the speech with such a presentation for an audience of international students. In particular, the system of the German legal education differs from the Russian one. Also German legal aid system has its own specific. Because of this it was necessary to spend a part of the report to the legislation which regulates free legal aid in Russia, the Russian system of legal education and aims of legal education in Russia. The second part of the report was devoted to the specifics of the legal clinic in Krasnoyarsk, its experience, existing rules and practices. The report aroused great interest among the audience and a large number of questions.

Professor Urs Kramer noted that, Legal Clinic of the Law Institute of SFU has its own unique experience and here they have something to learn.

The symposium was attended by participants from Munich, Freiburg, Berlin and Bayreuth. From the University of Passau in the symposium was attended by representatives of the Legal Clinic and the University Legal Clinic on information law and the mass media law. Of particular interest were the reports of professors, in which they discussed the educational aims and the development prospects of legal clinic. On the conference there was an opportunity to talk to the representatives of the Law Faculty. In the course of communication with Professor Kramer  it was managed to negotiate further joint work of the Legal Clinic at Passau and Krasnoyarsk. In particular, students from Krasnoyarsk, who are currently studying in Passau on exchange program will be able to participate in the activities of the Legal Clinic at the University of Passau, and students from Passau can come to Krasnoyarsk for the one year course or participate in a summer law school and also get acquainted with local issues.

In conclusion, we would like to thank the Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation for a grant for the implementation of the trip.