The 4-th year student of "Customs" Department of the Law Institute SFU has won the international competition "Currency EEU - 2015"!

In September 2015 the Institute for Economic Strategies of the Department of Social Sciences (RAS INES UN) announced an international competition for young economists, financiers of the EEU for the preparation of applied research "Currency EEU - 2015". In the first phase, participants were asked to prepare practical research on the topic: "Single currency area: the analysis of the views of the concepts and tools of political and business elites of the EEU, BRICS, EU".

Following the results Ekaterina Kulyak, 4th year student of  "Customs" department, became the winner in the nomination "The most practical EEU competitive work." Supervisor of the work - assistant of the Department of Criminology and deliktology N.P. Bukharina.

As one of the winners of the international competition, Ekaterina was invited to participate in the conference and educational seminar "Economic aspects of Eurasian integration: Recommendations for business" to be held on 10th of November, 2015 in Moscow at the Institute for Economic Strategies.

Our congratulations and wishes for further success in science!