The Krasnoyarsk team at school for clinicians in Moscow.

23-25 October 2015 in Moscow was held a "School for  clinicians 2015" - a traditional annual event dedicated to the skills of working in a legal clinic. Co-organizers of the School were made by the Center of development of legal clinics and the Moscow office of the American bar Association.

By tradition, the coaches at the School were the leading experts in the field of clinical legal education from all over Russia. Trainers this year were made by Voskobitova M. R., Sotnikov A. B., M. D. Kaniewski, Zipunnikova J. N., Lukyanova I. N., Patulin G. S., Sidorov R. A., Trubnikova T. V.

Krasnoyarsk legal clinic was presented at the school by three people. Alina Babushkina was a participant from SFU. The head of clinic Ilya Shevchenko and curator Svetlana Serebrennikova acted as trainers at the school.

Note that the school literally coincided with those skills that we are working with the students of the 2nd course within the course "Professional skills of a lawyer". They relate to the ability to work with evidence and facts, of possession of the basic techniques of legal qualification. This coincidence certainly suggests that we are in the trend of the Russian clinical legal education.

We were able to work with students from totally different law schools. And here it should be noted that they mostly found the same gaps in competence as our students. By the way they tried to overcome these problems the same commitment and tenacity that our clinicians. So work was interesting.

Joint work with the leading trainers of professional skills of a lawyer showed that the Krasnoyarsk school of the young lawyer (legal clinic) on approaches and technology today is not inferior to the national level.

But this is a look outside. Here's what might tell our student of legal clinic and the participant of school Alina Babushkina who was the actual participant:

I really like the fact that the majority of the time we worked in small groups of 7-8 people, each of which worked with the coach and his assistant. Due to this, lessons were very productive, informative and educational process involved all students. Three days we learned to analyze the circumstances and evidence, to compare the legal facts of the rule of law with the real-life events, thinking about the interpretation of legal standards, and our final assignment was the preparation of the group's own position on the case and its subsequent presentation. Our group worked with Trubnikova T. V. and S. V. Dmitriev. It was very nice to work with them! Special thanks to them for the patience, tact and understandable explanation! In addition to classes in groups and were General sessions where all the participants, organizers and the teachers gathered together. They spent very exciting for us Gutnikov A. B., M. R. Voskobitova, I. N. Lukyanova and G. S. Patulin. It was nice a couple of times to catch myself thinking about what I know, what brings us to the coach. The course "Professional skills of a lawyer" is clearly not taken in vain.

The school trainers are people with glowing eyes who enjoy what they do, who want to share their knowledge and skills. It's very cool! After talking with such people remains a positive charge to study and the charm of the legal profession. Not less important is the fact that after school there was an understanding in what direction you need to go, what deficiencies there are, and there is a desire to come to work on that in the near future. And, of course, filled with not only knowledge and skills, but also new connections and friends! It is very interesting to communicate with people from different cities, in different time zones.

Incidentally, such events continue, and everyone can participate in them. For example, very soon in St. Petersburg will host the Winter school of human rights. And the set is already opened. The details you can see here please Pay attention to the fact that the internal deadline for application 22 November. Before this date, you must submit the required documents I. A. Shevchenko

News about the school for clinicians on the organizer's website