Master class on Protocol

In the framework of the course "Diplomatic and consular law" for 3rd year students of "International relations" held a master class on Protocol. Diplomatic Protocol is an important political tool of diplomacy, its use is always to some extent affected the relations between States or officials.

At the invitation of the course instructor candidate of law, associate Professor V. V. Tereshkova, the master class was held by the Deputy head of Administration of Oktyabrsky district of Krasnoyarsk Darya Igorevna Gavro. Darya Igorevna over 7 years was directly involved in the organization of international and public activities of the mayor of Krasnoyarsk, monitoring compliance with state Protocol.

For almost 2 hours the audience discussed the ceremony of the meeting of senior officials of the state, official state visits, the signing of agreements at various levels, the use of state symbols and other nuances of public communication.

Darya Igorevna shared experiences, what color is the suit corresponds to a particular formal event, where a blazer can be the cause of the failure in signing the agreement, as the Seating chart at the official event to determine the nature of the relationship between the higher officials.

After the meeting, many students are thinking not only about the choice of a theme of final work, but also on the future professional activity.

V.V. Tereshkova expresses its deep appreciation to Darya Igorevna for interesting conversations and for giving students the opportunity to get acquainted with unique personal library on diplomatic Protocol.